Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Napoleonic Wars


  • 18 May: The war begins, remember that it will be every five days
  • 22 May: French troops begins the invasion of Hannover, which will be finished by 1 June
  • 1 June: France takes over Hannover
  • 12 December: Spain declares war to Great Britain
  • 11 April: Russia declares war to France
  • 2 June: The French recapture the southern part of Martinique island after the battle of Diamond Rock
  • 4 June: France annexes the Ligurian Republic
  • 8 June: France vassalizes the small state between Tuscany and Italy
  • 9 August: Third coalition officially formed
  • 17 September: French armies from the South begin to march towards Ulm
  • 22 September: Frenbch army stations next to Ulm
  • 10 August: Austria, Naples and Sweden declare war to France
  • 5 October: French armies capture Donauwörth
  • 8 October: French capture Wertingen
  • 9 October: French capture Günzburg
  • 11 October: French capture Ulm-Jungingen
  • 14 October: France captures Elchingen
  • 15 October: France besieges Ulm
  • 18 October: France captures the town of Verona and stops the advance
  • 20 October: France captures the city of Ulm slaughtering a german army and forcing the retreat of the Austrians all the way back to the frontier
  • 30 October: France captures Caldiero
  • 4 November: French capture San Pietro in Gu
  • 4 November: French get stopped at Scharnitz
  • 5 November: French capture Amstetten
  • 7 November: French capture Innsbruck
  • 8 November: French capture Mariazell in a spear movement
  • 9 November: Swedish armies land in Baltic Hannover
  • 11 November: French capture Valvasone in a spear movement closing Castelfranco Veneto. French also capture Dürenstein
  • 12 November: France captures Vienna in a spear movement
  • 13 November: France captures Dornbirn
  • 16 November: France captures Schöngrabern
  • 19 November: French capture Bovec
  • 24 November: French capture Castelfranco Veneto
  • 25 November: French capture Wischau
  • 2 December: France captures Austerlitz
  • 4 December: Swedish invasion of Hanover loses ground but it's not defeated
  • 26 December: Via the Peace of Pressburg, Austria surrenders to France. Kingdom of Bavaria proclaimed. Russia and Sweden remain at war with France
  • 3 January: Britain lands in the Cape (South Africa)
  • 8 January: British armies reach Bloubergstrand and stop there
  • 18 January: British capture Bloubergstrand
  • 21 January: Cape Colony surrenders to the British and is annexed
  • 8 February: France commences the Invasion of Naples
  • 14 February: France reaches the city of Naples but Gaeta has not yet fallen
    26 February: France commences the siege of Gaeta
  • 6 March: France reaches Lagonegro and stops there
  • 9 March: France resumes the advance into Naples and capture Montecalabro
  • 12 April: Swedes evacuate Hanover
  • 28 May: French capture Mileto and then all of the remaining peninsular Naples
  • 25 June: British land in the town of Quilmes
  • 27 June: British capture Buenos Aires
  • 4 July: French armies get stopped at Maida
  • 5 July: By this date Britain has captured most of the Argentinian side of La Plata
  • 12 July: Confederation of the Rhine proclaimed, HRE remains in effect. Use this https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Rheinbund_1806%2C_political_map.png
  • 18 July: Gaeta surrenders to the French
  • 4 August; Spanish landing happens east of Buenos Aires inside British territory in La Plata
  • 6 August: The Holy Roman Empire is dismantled, leaving only the C.R.
  • 10 August: Buenos Aires recaptured
  • 14 August: British troops evacuate the Rio de la Plata
  • 8 October: France commences the Invasion of Saxony around Saalburg
  • 9 October: Prussia declares war to France forming the Fourth Coalition. Battle of Schleiz
  • 10 October: France captures Saalfeld
  • 14 October: France ocuppies Jena
  • 15 October: Sweden ocuppies Lauenburg and Lübeck
  • 26 October: France recaptures Lauenburg
  • 6 November: France captures Lübeck and ends the Swedish rule over Germany except for Pomerania
  • 11 December: Saxony joins the Confederation of the Rhine
  • 30 January: France lays siege to Stralsund
  • 3 February: Britain captures Montevideo
  • 15 April: Sweden leaves the war with France
  • 27 May: Etruria becomes a French puppet
  • 1 June: Spanish Tuscany is maden a French puppet
  • 1 July: British landing in Buenos Aires
  • 6 July: Slight British advance in Buenos Aires. Sweden declares war to France
  • 9 July: Treaty of Tilsit signed between France and Prussia
  • 15 July: Russia abandons the war with France and allign with them (green)
  • 6 August: Capture of Copenhagen
  • 12 August: British forces evacuate Buenos Aires and Montevideo, abandoning La Plata. Denmark decalres war to Britain and sides with France
  • 16 August: Denmark declares war to Britain without allying to France
  • 24 August: Stralsund surrenders to the French
  • 7 September: France seizes Rügen
  • 18 October: French troops enter Spain
  • 27 October 1807: Treaty of Fontainebleau signed between Spain and France, stating that French troops will enter Spain in order to begin a combined Franco-Spanish invasion of Portugal, but the French troops had already entered by this date
  • 31 October: Franco-Danish alliance 
  • 15 November: Westphalia joins the Confederation of the Rhine
  • 19 November 1807: French troops reach the Portuguese border and cross the border along the Tagus river. Advance along the river continues until the 23 of November
  • 23 November 1807: French forces capture Abrantes and stops in the city
  • 30 November 1807: France captures Lisbon. Portugal surrenders but it remains unocuppied
  • 2 December 1807: Spanish forces invade Portugal from central Extremadura
  • 3 December 1807: Spaniards capture the fortress of Elvas
  • 10 December: France annexes Etruria
  • 12 December 1807: Spaniards invade Northern Portugal from their bases in Vigo and besiege Valença
  • 13 December 1807: Spaniards capture Oporto
  • 14 December 1807: Portuguese territories North of the Douro are captured (except for Valença)
  • 15 December 1807: Valença surrenders to Spain
  • 28 December 1807: By this date all of Portugal is ocuppied and divided

  • 2 February: French armies ocuppy Rome from a landing in the port of Ostia
  • 18 February: Mecklenburg-Sterlitz joins the Conf. of the Rhine
  • 21 February: Russia declares war to Sweden and begins an invasion of Finland
  • 2 March: Russians capture Helsinki
  • 11 March: Russians seize Tampere
  • 14 March: Sweden declares war to Denmark
  • 17 March: Papal Umbria is ceded to the kingdom of Italy
  • 21 March: Russia seizes the Hanko Peninsula
  • 22 March: Russia seizes Turku
  • 13 April: Sweden invades Asnes
  • 14 April: Sweden begins an invasion towards Akershus
  • 16 April: Russian armies seize Pyhäjoki
  • 18 April: Sweden recaptures Oulu
  • 19 April: Swedish armies are defeated at Akershus
  • 20 April: Swedish armies siege a place in Ostfold
  • 23 April: Swedish armies are expelled from Ostfold except for one town and seize Strömstad
  • 25 April: Swedish armies in Asnes are expelled from Norway
  • 27 April: Danish armies evacuate Strömstad. Swedes recapture Siikajoli
  • 2 May: Sweden recaptures Pulkkila
  • 2 May 1808: Civilian uprising against the French units stationed in Madrid after they kidnapped the prince from the Royal Palace of Madrid. Considered the beginning of the Peninsular War even if bellic actions were taken before this date. A document signed in Móstoles oficially results in the declaration of war between France and Spain.
  • 7 May: Swedes surrender in Ostfold's town
  • 9 May 1808: Abdications of Bayonne take place, with both Spanish monarchs (Ferdinand VII and Charles III) resignating to the throne in favour to Joseph Bonaparte, the brother of Napoleon.
  • 18 May: Sweden seizes Kongsvinger but abandon it in next frame
  • 22 May: France annexes the remaining Papal States
  • 12 June: Swedish landing at Turku
  • 19 June: Swedish landing in Kaarina
  • 22 June: Swedish landings in Finland are expelled
  • 24 June: Swedes recapture Nykarleby
  • 26 June: Russia recaptures Vaasa and surrounding areas
  • 14 July: Russian invasion of Northern Finland falls back to Lapua
  • 10 August: Sweden recaptures Kauhajoki
  • 13 August: Denmark begins an invasion of central Sweden
  • 15 August: Danish capture of Järpen
  • 17 August: Danish offensive in Sweden is evacuated. Sweden recaptures Alavus
  • 21 August: Russia recaptures Kartsula
  • 2 September: Russia recaptures Ruona
  • 14 September: Russia recaptures Oravis
  • 29 September: A truce is signed in the Finnish war, but it's only temporal since the war reactivates on the 19 October
  • 14 October: Bavaria annexes Ansbach
  • 14 October: Oldenburg joins the Conf. of the Rhine
  • 19 October: Finnish war reignites
  • 7 November: Spanish forces land in El Seibo and surround Santo Domingo. During the following weeks they advance across the Dominican Republic, seizing the island by the 29th
  • 17 November: Swedes retreat from Finland, leaving the zone under Russian ocuppation until 1809
  • 29 November: Modern Dominican Republic is totally conquered by Spain except for Santo Domingo
  • 15 December: Invasion of French Guyanna commences

  • 6 January: Portuguese forces seize the town of Cayenne
  • 14 January: French Guyana surrenders to the Portuguese
  • 30 January: British armies land in Sainte-Luce and Le Robert, the advance continues across Martinique until 10 February
  • 10 February: The last remaining French force in Martinique (Fort-de-France) is besieged
  • 24 February: Fort-de-France surrenders
  • 10 April: Fifth coalition formed
  • 16 April: Britain captures Lefkada
  • 11 July: Spain reconquers Santo Domingo from the French and annexes the colony
  • 17 September: Russia formally annexes Finland
  • 1 October: Britain seizes Cephalonia 
  • 16 November: Cythria conquered by Britain
  • 10 December: Dano-Swedish war ends in status-quo antebellum
  • 28 January: British forces land in Trois-Riviéres (Guadeloupe)
  • 3 February: British advance west of their landing point in Guadeloupe
  • 6 February: Guadeloupe surrenders to the British
  • 19 May: Frankfurt annexes Fulda
  • 25 May: Argentine rebels seize La Plata from Spanish rule
  • 7 July: British forces commence the invasion of Réunion
  • 9 July: France annexes the Netherlands. Réunion is captured by the British
  • 29 November: British armies land in Baie-du-Tombeau
  • 3 December: French Mauritius surrenders
  • 12 December: Valais is annexed by France
  • 13 December: Lower Saxony is annexed by France

  • 30 June: British forces land in Indramayu and take control of the city
  • 4 August: British forces land east of Batavia
  • 8 August: Britain captures the city of Batavia and the surroundings
  • 22 August: British armies advance south from Batavia and lay siege to a fortress
  • 25 August: The fortress surrenders to the British
  • 29 August: British forces capture Bogor
  • 31 August: British forces land at Sumenep and advance across that small island
  • 7 August: The island of Sumenep falls to the British
  • 4 September: British forces seize the port of Cirebon
  • 16 September: British forces seize Salatiga
  • 18 September: Dutch Java surrenders
  •  11 December 1813: Treaty of Valençay signed. Official peace treaty between King Ferdinand VII of Spain and Napoleon. The treaty was rejected by the court of Madrid and the war continued

  • 30 May: Treaty of Paris, French and European borders are set

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Crown of Aragon

  • 724: The County of Sobrarbre is founded in the center of the green in the map (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kingdom_of_Aragon-1037.svg), with this shield https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Escut_del_Sobrarbe.svg/40px-Escut_del_Sobrarbe.svg.png and ruled by Garcí Ximenez
  • 758: Garcí Íñigez begins to rule in Sobrarbre
  • 802: Fortú Garcés begins to rule in Sobrarbre
  • 802: Aureolus of Aragon begins to reign as the Franks stablish a vassal on the other side of the Pyrenees. The shield is https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Blas%C3%B3n_de_Chaca.svg/40px-Blas%C3%B3n_de_Chaca.svg.png The protectorate is called "County of Aragon", with it's capital in Jaca, being it the one in the top left of the green ones. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kingdom_of_Aragon-1037.svg
  • 809: Aznar Galíndez I begins to rule in Aragon
  • 815: Sancho Garcés begins to rule in Sobrarbre
  • 820: García I Galíndez begins to rule in Aragon
  • 832: Íñigo Arista heredates the count of Sobrarbre and is annexed into Navarre
  • 833: Galindo Garcés begins to rule in Aragon
  • 844: Galindo I Aznárez of Urgel and Cerdanya begins to rule in Aragon
  • 867: Aznar Galíndez begins to rule in Aragon, which separates from Urgel and Cerdanya
  • 872: The County of Ribagorza is founded with Raymond I on the throne, and the capital in Benabarre (Shield: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benabarre). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kingdom_of_Aragon-1037.svg
  • 872: The county of Pallars is founded, ruled by the same king as the County of Ribagorza, being them in a Personal Union
  • 893: Galindo II Aznárez begins to rule in Aragon
  • 920: Pallars and Ribagorza break up. Ribagorza is ruled by Bernardo I and Pallars by Isarn I
  • 922: Andregoto begins to rule in Aragon
  • 943: Sancho Garcés II begins to rule in Aragon
  • 955: Raymond II of Ribagorza begins to rule
  • 970: Unifredo begins to rule in Ribagorza
  • 970: Sancho Garcés incorporates Aragon into Navarre
  • 979: Arnaldo begins to rule in Ribaborza
  • 990: Isarno begins to rule in Ribagorza
  • 1003: Toda begins to rule in Ribagorza
  • 1010: William begins to rule in Ribagorza
  • 1017: William of Ribagorza dies, the county is given to Navarre
  • 1035: Sobrarbre, Ribagorza separate from the Kingdom of Navarre and merge into a sole kingdom under Gonzalo I. Aragón also secedes, but under a separate rule of Ramiro I
  • 1045: Sobrarbre and Ribagorza unite with the County of Aragon forming the Kingdom of Aragon, Ramiro I rules over all those lands
  • 1063: Sancho Ramírez begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1069: The County of Barcelona inherits the County of Carcassonne
  • 1076: Aragon inherits Navarre
  • 1112: Barcelona obtains the County of Nîmes and the County of Millau
  • 1162: Crown of Aragon formed with the merge of the Kingdom of Aragon and the Catalan Counties under the realm of Alfonso II, but they do not own the Aran Valley. Flag of the Crown and the County of Barcelona: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/53/Si%C3%B1al_d%27Arag%C3%B3n.svg/125px-Si%C3%B1al_d%27Arag%C3%B3n.svg.png . Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Expansi%C3%B3n_peninsular_de_la_Corona_de_Arag%C3%B3n.png . Flag of the Kingdom of Aragon: http://i.imgur.com/u4PRNRV.png
  • 1166: Aragon obtains Gévaudan
  • 1169: (Map) Conquest of the towns of Valderrobles and Cantavieja
  • 1170: (Map) Conquest of the town of Cella
  • 1171: (Map) Conquest of the towns of Teruel and Mora de Ríos
  • 1172: Aragon seizes some territory on the other side of the Coastal Ebre
  • 1175: Annexation of the Aran Valley by Barcelona
  • 1179: Aragon obtains Ménebres
  • 1180: (Map) Conquest of the towns of Aliaga and Olocau del Rey
  • 1181: (Map) Conquest of the town of Mosguerela
  • 1196: Peter II begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1204: Aragon obtains the city of Montpellier and the city of Rubielos (Map)
  • 1210: (Map) Ademus is temporary conquered by the Kingdom of Aragon
  • 1213: James I begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1216: (Map) Ademus lost
  • 1229: Aragon (Concretely Barcelona) seizes the island of Mallorca. (Map) El Toro is conquered by Aragon
  • 1231: Kingdom of Majorca proclaimed, with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Bandera_del_Reino_de_Mallorca.svg/220px-Bandera_del_Reino_de_Mallorca.svg.png
  • 1231: Menorca becomes an Aragonese vassal
  • 1233: (Map) A big part of Castellon is ocuppied by Barcelona
  • 1235: The Kingdom of Majorca annexes the island of Ibiza
  • 1236: (Map) The town of Alpuente is ocuppied by Aragon
  • 1238: The cities of Sagunt and Valencia is conquered by Barcelona. The Kingdom of Barcelona is proclaimed with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Flag_of_the_Land_of_Valencia_%28swallowtailed%29.svg/125px-Flag_of_the_Land_of_Valencia_%28swallowtailed%29.svg.png
  • 1240: (Map) The towns of Calp and Villena are conquered by Valencia
  • 1242: (Map) The town of Alzira is conquered by Valencia
  • 1244: (Map) The towns of Denia, Sueca, Ontinyent and Gandia are conquered by Valencia. The town of Villena is lost
  • 1245: (Map) The town of Benidorm is conquered by Valencia
  • 1256: (Map) The town of Alcoi is conquered by Valencia
  • 1258: Treaty of Corbeil with France, Aragon renounces to all places in France except for The Rousillon and Millau
  • 1271: Millau lost to France. Menorca is incorporated in the Kingdom of Majorca
  • 1276: Peter III begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1282: The island of Sicily is conquered, being it part as the "Kingdom of Sicily", with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0a/Bandiera_del_Regno_di_Sicilia_4.svg/125px-Bandiera_del_Regno_di_Sicilia_4.svg.png
  • 1284: French troops ocuppy land up to Girona
  • 1285: Alfonso III begins to rule in Aragon. Albarracín is incorporated into the Kingdom of Aragon. Fremch troops withadraw from Aragonese soil
  • 1289: (Map) Conquest of Elche by Valencia
  • 1291: James II begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1296: (Map) Conquest of Alicante, Cartagena, Murcia, Orihuela, Crevillent and Torrevieja by Valencia
  • 1297: The Pope gives the islands of Corsica and Sardinia to Aragon, but they are not controlled, thus, being claims
  • 1298: (Map) Conquest of the town of Alhama de Murcia
  • 1300: (Map) Conquest of the town of Lorca
  • 1305: (Map) Conquest of the town of Elda by Valencia. The frontier is reduced to the modern Valencia-Murcia border, leaving all territories in modern Murcia
  • 1311: The Duchy of Athens is conquered by Aragon, with this shield https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Duchy_of_Athens_%28de_la_Roche_family%29.svg/85px-Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Duchy_of_Athens_%28de_la_Roche_family%29.svg.png
  • 1319: The Duchy of Neopatria is conquered by Aragon, with this shield https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8c/Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Duchy_of_Neopatria.svg/85px-Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Duchy_of_Neopatria.svg.png
  • 1323: (GeaCron) Aragon conquers the Pisan parts of the island of Sardinia
  • 1327: Alfonso IV begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1336: Peter IV begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1347: Claims over Corsica are abandoned, but Genoan Sardinia (GeaCron) is conquered
  • 1381: The Duchy of Athens is incorporated in the Kingdom of Sicily
  • 1387: John I begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1388: The territory of Athens is lost
  • 1390: The Duchy of Neopatras is abandoned
  • 1396: Martin I begins to rule in Aragon. Andorra is annexed into Barcelona
  • 1397: Andorra is left over
  • 1412: Ferdinand I begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1416: Alfonso V begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1420: The whole island of Sardinia is incorporated into the crown as a kingdom, the "Kingdom of Sardinia", with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fd/Flag_of_the_Italian_region_Sardinia.svg/100px-Flag_of_the_Italian_region_Sardinia.svg.png
  • 1442: Aragon conquers the Kingdom of Naples and incorporates it as a kingdom, the "Kingdom of Naples", with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/Bandera_de_N%C3%A1poles_-_Trast%C3%A1mara.svg/120px-Bandera_de_N%C3%A1poles_-_Trast%C3%A1mara.svg.png
  • 1458: John II begins to rule in Aragon. Navarre and Aragon enter in a Personal Union
  • 1462: France conquers the Rousillon from Barcelona
  • 1479: Ferdinand II begins to rule in Aragon, entering a personal union with Castile, but breaking the one with Navarre
  • 1493: Rousillon regained and annexed into Barcelona
  • 1495: Naples breaks away from the Crown of Aragon
  • 1504: The Kingdom of Naples is conquered back, restoring the kingdom (and the flag)
  • 1516: Charles I begins to rule in Aragon. From this point, the union between Castile and Aragon oficially becomes Spain. The Crown will be oficially abolished in 1714 with the Bourbon capture of Barcelona

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Byzantine-Sassanian war of the 602-628

  • August 602: Persia declares war to Rome and conquers the city of Edessa
  • October 602: Edessa is recaptured
  • September 604: Rome marches to the the city of Dara
  • October 604: The advance keeps on
  • November 604: Dara is besieged by the Romans
  • September 605: The siege of Dara is lifted by the Persians and they push the Romans away.
  • October 608: The provinces of Siria and Palaestina rebel under Heraclius
  • April 609: Persians capture Mardin
  • May 609: Persians capture Diyarbakir and besiege Edessa
  • December 609: Persians march into Erzurum
  • January 610: The Persians capture Erzurum
  • March 610: The Heraclius revolt begins to invade Egypt, capturing it by October
  • May 610: Edessa falls to the Persians

Monday, 12 October 2015


  • 3 June 1815: France, the UK and Austria form a secret alliance against Russia and Prussia
  • 26 February 1815: Napoleon escapes from the island of Elba
  • 15 March 1815: Naples declares war to Austria and begins the Neapolitan War
  • 20 March 1815: Napoleon reaches France reinstalling the Napoleonic Regime, beginning the Hundred Days
  • 3 April 1815: Napolitan troops reach Panara
  • 8 April 1815: Napolitans capture Occhiobello
  • 10 April 1815: Battle of Carpi
  • 12 April 1815: Battle of Casaglia
  • 21 April 1815: Battle of Ronca
  • 23 April 1815: Battle of Cesenatico
  • 24 April 1815: Second Serbian Uprising begins at Takovo
  • 28 April 1815: Battle of Pesaro
  • 1 May 1815: Battle of Scapezzano
  • 2 May 1815: Battle of Tolentino
  • 5 May 1815: The siege of Ancona begin
  • 8 May 1815: Battle of Ljubic
  • 13 May 1815: Battle of Castel di Sangro
  • 15 May 1815: Battle of San Germano
  • 20 May 1815: Naples surrenders to the Austrian, ending the Neapolitan War with a white peace.
  • 9 June 1815: Final act of the Congess of Vienna. The principality of Elba is given to Tuscany. Partition of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw between Prussia and Russia. The Prussian part is incorporated into Prussia whilist the Russian one is maden an autonomous area. Luxembourg is merged with the Netherlands. Swedish Pomerannia is given to Prussia.
  • 16 June 1815: Battle of Quatre Bras, between Nivelles and Namur. Battle of Ligny
  • 18 June 1815: Battle of Waterloo
  • 19 June 1815: Battle of Wavre
  • 25 June 1815: Capture of Maretz
  • 26 June 1815: Capture of Matigny
  • 27 June 1815: Battle of Compiégne
  • 28 June 1815: Battle of Nanteuil
  • 29 June 1815: Battle of Saint-Denis
  • 2 July 1815: Final allied capture of Paris
  • 8 July 1815: Napoleonic France destroyed and the kingdom is restored.
  • September 1815: The Holy alliance between Prussia, Austria and Russia is created
  • 5 November 1815: The Ionian islands become a British protectorate
  • 6 November 1815: Serbian Uprising ends with the proclamation of the Principality of Serbia
  • 26 June 1816: Neutral Moresnet is created, it'll remain independent
  • 27 August 1816: The United Kingdom and the Netherlands bombard Algiers
  • 12 December 1816: The Kingdom of Sicily and the Kingdom of Naples merge into the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
  • 1 January 1820: A military garrison rebels in Cabezas de San Juan starting the Spanish "Trienio Liberal"
  • 10 March 1820: The revolution in Spain triumphs and Spain becomes a constitutional monarchy
  • 1 April 1820: A revolution strikes Glasgow
  • 8 April 1820: The revolution in Glasgow is supressed
  • July 1820: A revolution takes over the Two Sicilies, modelling it to a Spanish-like state
  • 24 August 1820: A spanish-backed revolution takes the Portuguese city of Porto
  • 15 September 1820: The Portuguese king is forced to exile after the protesters enter Lisbn.
  • 7 March 1821: Austrians enter Naples from Rieti and convert the kingdom back into an absolute state
  • 22 March 1821: Greek revoltisks take the city of Kalamata
  • March 1821: Greeks lay siege to Patras
  • 6 April 1821: The Greek War of Independence begins as the rebels take Kalavryta
  • 22 April 1821: Greeks reach the Thermophylae, being pushed back the day after
  • 25 April 1821: Greeks besiege the city of Athens
  • April 1821: Greeks besiege the city of Tripoli
  • 8 May 1821: Greeks capture Gravia
  • 18 May 1821: Greeks capture Doliana
  • 3 July 1821: The king of Portugal comes back into Portugal, restoring the absolute monarchy
  • 19 June 1821: Battle of Daragashani, the frame after they fall
  • 29 June 1821: Battle of Sculeni (on the Romanian side of it), the frame after they fall
  • 28 July 1821: Battle of Dervenakia
  • 25 August 1821: Greeks capture again the Thermopylae
  • 23 September 1821: Greeks capture the city of Tripoli
  • 1 January 1822: Greece officially declares independence from the Ottoman Empire
  • 9 June 1822: Greeks take the city of Athens
  • 2 September 1829: Principality of Guria (Russian vassal state) is officially annexed into Imperial Russia
  • 19 April 1839: The Principality of Limburg is created as a vassal of the Netherlands. It is included in the German Confederation
  • 4 January 1857: Principality of Mingrelia (Russian vassal state) is officially annexed into Imperial Russia
  • 23 August 1866: German Confederation is finally dissolved
  • 11 May 1867: Limburg is re-annexed in the Netherlands
  • 10 January 1920: Neutral Moresnet is annexed to Belgium

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Kaiserreich WW2


  • 17 Agosto: Empieza la guerra, Francia captura Metz y avanza en el sur
  • 19 Agosto: Captura de Särrebruck
  • 21 de Agosto: La ciudad de Estrasburgo es rodeada por los franceses
  • 23 de Agosto: Captura total de Alsacia-Lorena por los franceses
  • 7 Septiembre: Inicia la invasión alemana del Congo y Ubangui-Chari. El congo se captura el 18 y Ubangui Chari el día 26
  • 14 Septiembre: Gran Bretaña declara la guerra a Alemania y ésta se une a los aliados
  • 17 Septiembre: El ejército alemán pasa por Suiza y ataca el franco condado cerca de la frontera de Alsacia. Italia se une oficialmente a las potencias centrales e inicia un desembarco en el puerto de Vlöre iniciando la campaña de Albania
  • 18 Septiembre: La colonia francesa del Congo es capturada. Suiza declara la guerra a Francia. Avance sobre el franco-condado, que es totalmente capturado el 30
  • 19 Septiembre: Alemania declara la guerra a Flandes-Valonia e inicia una invasión del país, el cúal es capturado el 12 de Octubre
  • 20 Septiembre: Los albaneses se retiran de Grecia y Bulgaria
  • 23 Septiembre: Ataque francés sobre el valle de Aosta, capturado el 25
  • 25 Septiembre: Captura del valle de Aosta, avances franceses siguen hasta el río Dora (alcanzado el 30)
  • 26 Septiembre: Captura alemana de Ubangui-Chari. Austria-Hungría declara la guerra a la Entente
  • 27 Septiembre: Avances ítalo-bulgaros en dirección a Tirana, capturada el 30
  • 28 Septiembre: La España monárquica ataca a la comunista iniciando el frente Ibérico en la guerra avanzando en dirección al Ebro. Ambas Españas son co-beligerantes
  • 30 Septiembre: Captura de Tirana. Albania se rinde al día siguiente. El frente alpino se para en el río Dora. El Franco-condado es ocupado por los suizo-alemanes
  • 2 Octubre: Los monárquicos han llegado hasta el río Ebro
  • 4 Octubre: Avance Italiano por el desierto Tripolitano, que avanzan sin parar hasta ocupar la Tripolitania (región) el 13 de Octubre
  • 6 Octubre: Asedio monárquico de Zaragoza
  • 12 Octubre: Captura total de Flandes-Valonia
  • 13 Octubre: Captura de la región de Tripolitania
  • 15 Octubre: El ejército alemán invade el norte de Francia asediando Lille
  • 16 Octubre: Los republicanos avanzan ligeramente en dirección a Madrid, parando el 21. Captura alemana de Dunkerke
  • 18 Octubre: Los alemanes entran en Calé
  • 19 Octubre: Los monárquicos cruzan el Ebro en el delta
  • 21 Octubre: Captura de Sedán. Los avances republicanos cerca de Madrid se detienen
  • 22 Octubre: Ligero avance alemán en Dahomey
  • 23 Octubre: Captura de Lille y Tarragona. El frente ibérico se estanca.
  • 25 Octubre: Ejércitos alemanes cruzan la frontera en Algeria
  • 26 de Octubre: Captura de Reims, el frente del Norte se paraliza
  • 29 Octubre: Los alemanes ocupan Tlemcen, Algeria. Avances hasta la ciudad de Orán, asediada el 18 de Noviembre
  • 1 Noviembre: Los alemanes invaden el norte de Lorena
  • 2 Noviembre: Inicia la invasión italiana de la región del Fezzan, capturada el día 8
  • 4 Noviembre: Recaptura de Saabrücken
  • 5 Noviembre: Ofensiva Egipcia en dirección a Jerusalén. Los italianos empiezan una contra-ofensiva sobre el Dora, logrando repeler a los franceses el día 16
  • 8 de Noviembre: Se rompe el sitio de Estrasburgo. Captura italiana de Fezzan. Desembarco inglés en la ciudad de Calé pero no pasan de la costa
  • 12 Noviembre: Los ejércitos franceses son totalmente expulsados de Alsacia-Lorena
  • 13 Noviembre: Captura alemana de Lyon
  • 15 Noviembre: Egipto captura Jerusalén. El asedio de Zaragoza termina con victoria monárquica.
  • 16 Noviembre: Los franceses abandonan Italia
  • 18 Noviembre: Los Franceses inician una retirada al río Marne, que se consigue el día 23. Se inicia el sitio de Orán
  • 21 Noviembre: Desembarco italiano en Bizerta
  • 23 Noviembre: Los primeros ejércitos alemanes en columnas llegan al Marne mientras otros ejércitos atacan Lorena y las regiones cercanas. Captura de Nancy
  • 24 Noviembre: La revuelta judía en Palestina es suprimida por los Otomanos
  • 25 Noviembre: Los ejércitos alemanes sobre Sedán y Nancy contactan y avanzan al sur
  • 26 Noviembre: Avances italianos sobre los Alpes y captura de la ciudad de Túnez. Invasion de la colonia francesa desde Tripolitania
  • 28 Noviembre: Captura de Verdún
  • 29 Noviembre: Captura total de Lorena y el 50% del territorio al norte del Marne. Captura italiana de Niza
  • 30 Noviembre: Captura italiana de la península tunecina y del golfo sur. El frente tunecino se para en el Norte
  • 1 Diciembre: Los ingleses empiezan a avanzar en dirección a Lille, capturando la ciudad el 10
  • 2 Diciembre: Los otomanos recapturan Jerusalén
  • 3 Diciembre: Los franceses liberan Lyon y siguen el avanze en zonas cercanas hasta el 7
  • 5 Diciembre: Captura italiana de Sfax
  • 7 Diciembre: El frente se estabiliza totalmente en el río Marne
  • 8 Diciembre: Los italianos se apoderan de Niza
  • 9 Diciembre: Los ejércitos desembarcados en Túnez se unen
  • 10 Diciembre: Desembarco italiano en Banghazi y Tobruk. Captura inglesa de Lille
  • 11 Diciembre: Los alemanes capturan Orán
  • 12 Diciembre: La colonia francesa de Túnez se rinde
  • 14 Diciembre: Benghazi es capturada pero Tobruk tiene que ser asediada
  • 15 Diciembre: Los italianos empiezan a extenderse por la costa de Cirenaica, uniéndose con los ejércitos de Tripolitania el día 21
  • 17 Diciembre: Ligero avance italiano en la frontera tunecina
  • 21 Diciembre: Toda la costa de Cirenaica es ocupada. Inicia una contra-ofensiva sobre Lyon
  • 23 Diciembre: Lyon ha sido recapturada por las potencias centrales
  • 27 Diciembre: Tobruk se rinde ante los italianos


  • 4 Enero: Recaptura de Calais por parte de las potencias centrales
  • 8 Enero: Avance italiano en dirección a tomar Saboya, capturada el día 13
  • 10 Enero: Los ingleses son encerrados en Lille
  • 13 Enero: Captura de Saboya
  • 17 Enero: Ofensiva italiana final sobre el resto de Cirenaica, el país se rinde el día 23
  • 23 Enero: Rendición de Tripolitania
  • 27 Enero: Batalla de Lille, los ingleses son expulsados totalmente de Francia
  • 29 Enero: Los italianos inician el avance en Francia en dirección al río Ródano, el avanze es muy lento
  • 3 Febrero: Los americanos ocupan la Guayana francesa
  • 5 Febrero: Los italianos avanzan desde túnez en dirección a Constantina, que es alcanzada el día 19. Allí el frente se paraliza del todo
  • 8 Febrero: Italia captura la ciudad de Grenoble
  • 10 Febrero: Nápoles declara la guerra a Italia uniéndose a la entente y avanzando algunos kilómetros en la frontera. El avance sigue hasta el 18 cuando se alcanza Roma
  • 11 Febrero: Captura italiana del puerto de Tolón
  • 13 Febrero: Se alcanza el Ron en la ciudad de Valence, aunque gran parte de la Provenca sigue sin estar ocupada. El frente se estanca
  • 15 Febrero: La España monárquica rompe el frente del Ebro, avanzando por el interior de Aragón y Cataluña
  • 18 Febrero: Los napolitanos alcanzan Roma y amenazan la ciudad de Ancona, pero el frente se paraliza
  • 19 Febrero: Captura italiana de Constantina y Española de Huesca, aragón ha caído en manos monárquicas
  • 20 Febrero: Alemania inicia la invasión de Uganda y Kenia, atacando unos cuantos kilómetros por día hasta el 25 de Marzo.
  • 21 Febrero: Toda la provincia de Tarragona es ocupada por los monárquicos
  • 25 Febrero: Los monárquicos capturan Lleida y siguen avanzando por la provincia
  • 26 Febrero: Los napolitanos son expulsados de Roma y de Ancona, dejando el territorio italiano el día 4 de Marzo
  • 27 Febrero: El valle de Arán es rodead
  • 28 Febrero: Toda la provincia de Lleida ha sido capturada y se avanza hasta Barcelona
  • 4 Marzo: Expulsión de los napolitanos de Italia
  • 5 Marzo: Barcelona es alcanzada por los monárqucos. Caída del valle de Arán
  • 8 Marzo: Empieza el asedio de Barcelona
  • 14 Marzo: Ofensiva final sobre Cataluña, ocupando todo menos Barcelona el 18
  • 18 Marzo: Caída de Cataluña
  • 19 Marzo: México ocupa las antillas franco-británicas (siendo aliado de estas)
  • 25 Marzo: Italia invade Nápoles por todo el frente. Los ejércitos alemanes en la A.O.B. se detienen tras capturar la mitad de Kenia
  • 27 Marzo: La invasión del sur y el centro es detenida
  • 2 Abril: Italia logra tomar L'Aquila, pero el frente central ya se frenó del todo
  • 4 Abril: Captura de la ciudad de Pescara en la costa Adriática, el frente se detiene
  • 6 Abril: Inicia la ofensiva italiana sobre la provenza restante
  • 11 Abril: Inicia el asedio de Marsella
  • 13 Abril: Batalla del Marne, los alemanes avanzan unos kilómetros
  • 14 Abril: Retirada francesa al otro lado del Ron
  • 15 Abril: Malta cae ante los austríacos
  • 18 Abril: Desembarco noruego cerca Frederikshavn, siendo un co-beligerante de las CP y Dinamarca de la Entente
  • 21 Abril: Noruega captura Frederikshavn y avanza por la isla de Jutlandia
  • 24 Abril: Captura de la isla de Jutlandia
  • 27 Abril: Los otomanos inician una ofensiva sobre Palestina, alejando a los egipcios de Jerusalén
  • 30 Abril: Batalla del Sena, los alemanes son de nuevo detenidos en el río
  • 2 Mayo: Ofensiva central sobre Grecia. El avance es aplastante capturando todo menos el Peloponeso y Creta el 31
  • 3 Mayo: Ofensiva Alemana sobre Uganda, que se captura el día 7
  • 6 Mayo: Los noruegos empiezan a atacar las costas de la península de Jutlandia, Este y Oeste
  • 8 Mayo: Reinicia la ofensiva italiana en la costa adriática, tomando Termoli el 14
  • 9 Mayo: La ofensiva turca expulsa a los egipcios de Palestina y se estanca en la frontera
  • 13 Mayo: La ofensiva noruega es detenida en Aaarhus y se ocupa toda la zona al norte de la ciudad. Alemania inicia la invasión del Chad y Nigeria.
  • 14 Mayo: Captura de Termoli, el frente se vuelve a estancar
  • 17 Mayo: Caída de Barcelona
  • 19 Mayo: Los alemanes alcanzan el río Níger
  • 22 Mayo: Alemania captura la capital de Chad
  • 23 Mayo: Marsella se rinde
  • 25 Mayo: Capitulación del África Ecuatorial Francesa
  • 27 Mayo: Inicia la campaña alemana sobre el delta del Níger, ocupándolo el día 8 de Junio
  • 28 Mayo: Noruega captura la ciudad de Aarhus. Caída de Atenas
  • 29 Mayo: El ejército británico ataca el puerto de Ostia
  • 31 Mayo: Ataques de paracaidistas toman las islas Jónicas
  • 2 Junio: El avance noruego sige por el sur de la península de Jutlandia alcanza la frontera alemana el día 14
  • 3 Junio: Los otomanos empiezan a avanzar por el Sinaí, ocupando toda la península el 21 de Junio
  • 5 Junio: Los británicos avanzan hasta Roma
  • 6 Junio: Se resume el avance alemán sobre Algeria, en dirección al puerto de Argel, que se captura el 22 de Junio
  • 7 Junio: El avance comunista cerca de Madrid se retira a la frontera
  • 8 Junio: Alemania se apodera del delta del Níger
  • 10 Junio: Alemania captura la isla de Borholm y invade la islas danesas
  • 11 Junio: Los alemanes ganan la segunda batalla del Sena marchando en dirección a París
  • 12 Junio: Todas las islas excepto zelandia han sido capturadas y se inicia el sitio de Copenage
  • 14 Junio: Se inicia el asedio británico de Roma. Noruega alcanza la frontera alemana
  • 18 Junio: Caída de Copenague y rendición de Dinamarca. la ciudad de París es rodeada por los alemanes
  • 21 Junio: Captura otomana del Sinaí
  • 22 Junio: Captura alemana del puerto de Argel, el frente se detiene
  • 25 Junio: América ocupa Groenlandia
  • 1 Julio: Se rompe el asedio de Roma y se empieza a empujar a los británicos al mar
  • 6 Julio: La Argelia francesa se rinde
  • 9 Julio: Los británicos son expulsados en desbandada de Italia
  • 18 Julio: Noruega anexa Dinamarca
  • 19 Julio: Colombia empieza la invasión de la guayana británica (llegando a la capital el 25) siendo un co-beligerante de las potencias centrales
  • 22 Julio: Alemania invade Hong Kong capturándolo
  • 25 Julio: Colombia captura Georgetown
  • 26 Julio: Los otomanos cruzan el canal de Suez en 3 puntos, avanzando por Egipto. Rendición de la Guayana británica
  • 2 Agosto: Italia comienza a atacar Nápoles por el sur
  • 4 Agosto: El ejército otomano alcanza el Cairo y se detiene allí
  • 8 Agosto: Los italianos son detenidos a 40 km de Nápoles
  • 15 Agosto: Alemania captura París
  • 19 Agosto: Alemania reinicia la invasión de Nigeria, avanzando algunos kilómetros diarios hasta el 16 de Septiembre
  • 21 Agosto: Francia se rinde ante los alemanes, siendo ocupada y perdiendo el resto de sus colonias ante la ocupación
  • 23 Agosto: Suiza es anexionada al Reich Alemán
  • 26 Agosto: Los otomanos reinician la marcha en dirección a Alejandría tras optar por asediar el Cairo. Alejandría es alcanzada el 15 de Septiembre
  • 15 de Septiembre: Los otomanos capturan Alejandría de nuevo paralizando el frente
  • 16 Septiembre: La Nigeria británica se rinde
  • 18 Septiembre: Desembarco americano en Vigo (debe mostrarse como co-beligerante de las potencias centrales). Lentamente avanzan ocupando La Coruña el día 26 y el resto de Galicia el 10 de Octubre
  • 26 Septiembre: Ocupación de A Coruña
  • 27 Septiembre: Captura de Pontevedra
  • 2 Octubre: Captura de Lugo
  • 5 Octubre: Italia y Austira empiezan a avanzar por la costa Adriática italiana
  • 10 Octubre: Ocupación total de Galicia
  • 18 Octubre: Los italianos se detienen en el Adriático tras capturar una península
  • 26 Octubre: Se resume el avance Americano en dirección a León (ciudad capturada el 6 de Noviembre)
  • 29 Octubre: Avance Monárquico sobre Extremadura y Salamanca comienza
  • 3 Noviembre: El avance en el Adriático sigue hasta capturar Bari el 21. Entonces el frente se para de nuevo
  • 6 Noviembre: Los americanos capturan León.
  • 7 Noviembre: Ocupación de toda Extremadura
  • 9 Noviembre: Alemania ocupa las islas Faroe
  • 12 Noviembre: Alemania desembarca en la península de Malasia, avanzando hasta tomar la mitad de la península para el 24
  • 15 Noviembre: Los españoles ocupan Salamanca
  • 18 Noviembre: Contacto entre ejércitos españoles y Estadounidenses en la ciudad de Zamora
  • 21 Noviembre: Captura italiana de Bari
  • 24 Noviembre: Inicia la invasión Americana de Gambia, que acabará el 28. Los EE.UU. ahora son considerados parte de las Potencias Centrales. Alemania ocupa Kuala Lumpur y se detiene en la península de Malasia
  • 28 Noviembre: Captura de Gambia
  • 8 Diciembre: Desembarco alemán en el norte de Borneo. La provincia norte es capturada el día 17
  • 17 Diciembre: Alemania ocupa la parte norte del borneo británico. Brunei es ocupada al día siguiente
  • 23 Diciembre: Ofensiva final sobre Borneo, el lugar se rinde el 1 de Enero


  • 1 Enero: El Borneo británico capitula ante Alemania
  • 12 Enero: Ofensiva final sobre Malasia, solo queda Singapur por capturar el día 19 de Enero
  • 13 Enero: Alemania invade Ghana, avanzando hasta Accra el día 17
  • 17 Enero: Alemania captura Accra y fuerza la rendición de Ghana
  • 28 Enero: Alemania captura Singapur
  • 4 Febrero: Alemania invade Sierra Leona en 4 días, capturándola el 8
  • 13 Febrero: Los italianos avanzan sobre Apulia, el centro y en dirección a Nápoles.
  • 17 Febrero: El frente en el sector de Nápoles se para de nuevo.
  • 18 Febrero: Ocupación de la península de Apulia excepto Taranto
  • 20 Febrero: Caída de Taranto y pausa del frente de nuevo
  • 24 Marzo: Arminsiticio Británico-Alemán. Fin de la SGM de facto, aunque sigue la lucha

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Saturday, 29 August 2015

the expedition of the thousand

  • 11 May 1860: Sardinian lands in the city of Marsala
  • 14 May:  Sardinian capture of Salemi
  • 15 May: Sardinians capture Calatafimi
  • 27 May: The siege of Palermo begins
  • 28 May: Small advance into Palermo
  • 29 May: Surrender of Palermo
  • 31 May: Slow Sardinian advance until the 14th, capturing 1 third of the island. A Sardinian revolt appears in Catania
  • 1 June: The revolt of Catania is crushed
  • 14 June: A third of Sicily is captured by the Sardinians
  • 1 July: Slowly advance to capture the rest of Sicily (done by the 16th), except the cities of Milazzo, Syrcause, Augusta and Messina, including the northern corner
  • 16 July: Total conquest of Sicily except the cities
  • 17 July: The northern corner is split in two, the siege of Milazzo begins
  • 24 July: Milazzo falls to the Sardinians
  • 26 July: Capture of Messina
  • 3 August; A pro-neapolitan revolt takes control of Bronte
  • 4 August: The revolt is crushed
  • 18 August: The province of Basilicata swears allegiance to the Sardinians
  • 19 August: Sardinian landing in Calabria
  • 20 August: Half of Calabria is occuppied except the city of Reggio Calabria
  • 21 August: The province of Apulia swears allegiance to the Sardinians. Reggio Calabria is captured
  • 22 August; Capture of Catanzaro
  • 30 August; Capture of Soveria Mannelli
  • 31 August: Full capture of Calabria
  • 1 September: Slow advance into Eboli, to be captured on the fifth
  • 5 September: Capture of Eboli
  • 6 September: Neapolitan army retreats to the Volturno river line
  • 9 September: Sardinian capture of Naples (city)
  • 11 September: A sardinian army invades the Umbria region of the Papal states, reaching Castelfidardo by the 18th
  • 14 September: Siege of Ancona begins
  • 18 September: Capture of Castelfidardo
  • 24 September: The sieged cities in Sicily surrender
  • 26 September: Sardinian siege of Capua
  • 29 September: Ancona falls to the Sardinians
  • 30 September: Neapolitan counter-attack breaks the siege of Capua and advances South. Annexation of Umbria from the Papal states
  • 1 October: Neapolitan advance repelled except Capua. Bitter extra advance along the coast
  • 2 October: Capture of Capua and the rest of the kingdom except the city of Gaeta.
  • 21 October: Annexation of the Two Sicilies into Sardinia (Except Gaeta)
  • 5 November: The siege of Gaeta begins
  • 13 February: Gaeta falls, ending the war
  • 17 March: Kingdom of Italy proclaimed

Saturday, 22 August 2015


  • 27 de Octubre: USA declara la guerra a Cuba y a la URSS
  • 29 de Octubre: Guantámao es atacado por fuerzas cubanas pero no es capturado
  • 30 de Octubre: Filadelfia y Miami son atacadas nuclearmente. Camagüey es capturado por paracaídistas americanos. Se desembarca en Guantánamo recapturando la base y a 50km de La Habana, que recibe un impacto nuclear
  • 31 de Octubre: La isla de la Felicidad es capturada, avances en todos los frentes cubanos
  • 1 de Noviembre: La Habana es sitiada
  • 2 de Noviembre: Santiago de Cuba es capturado
  • 3 de Noviembre: México declara la guerra a Cuba y desembarca en Cienfuegos. Avanzes en el sur y el norte. Brasil y Colombia invaden Venezuela. Los avances son continuos hasta el 21, cuando se toma Caracas
  • 4 de Noviembre: Avances en el sur. La parte oeste de Cuba es capturada
  • 5 de Noviembre: Avances en la selva cubana hasta el día 10
  • 10 de Noviembre: La Habana cae y Cuba se rinde
  • 11 de Noviembre: Avances Chinos en Cachemira y en el frente Este
  • 12 de Noviembre: China se alía con la Unión Soviética. La India sigue siendo "neutral". Siguen los avances Chinos en el frente este, pero se estancan.
  • 13 de Noviembre; El Pacto de Varsovia declara la guerra
  • 14 de Noviembre: La OTAN declara la guerra
  • 15 de Noviembre: La India se alía con la OTAN
  • 21 de Noviembre; Ganancias indias en Cachemira
  • 23 de Noviembre: Ofensiva China en el este. Los territorios en disputa son capturados el día 25
  • 25 de Noviembre: Eso ^
  • 30 de Noviembre: India captura una ciudad en el Este
  • 9 de Diciembre: China invade un tercio de Hong Kong y conquista Macao
  • 10 de Diciembre: Captura de 2/3 de Hong Kong
  • 14 de Diciembre: Ofensiva India através de Sikkim
  • 16 de Diciembre: La ofensiva India se estanca
  • 17 de Diciembre: La invasión India es expulsada de vuelta a Sikkim
  • 20 de Diciembre: China invade Bután y Nepal. Bután cae el 23 y Nepal el 24. Pequeño avance Chino en Hong Kong. Parte de Berlín es ocupado por los rusos
  • 25 de Diciembre: Las ofensivas chinas en los Himalayas son frenadas totalmente. La unión Soviética ataca Viena
  • 26 de Diciembre: Austria se rinde a los Soviéticos
  • 27 de Diciembre: Berlín occidental ha caído. Los rusos invaden Alemania occidental a través de Schleswigg Holstein y Bavaria
  • 28 de Diciembre: Hamburgo es sitiada y se captura Kiel
  • 29 de Diciembre: Invasión soviética de la mitad de Jutlandia. Núremberg es capturada
  • 30 de Diciembre: Caída de Jutlandia. Grandes avances en Alemania y ocupación de Hanover
  • 31 de Diciembre: Dinamarca se rinde. Caída de Hamburgo, Bremen y Múnich
  • 1 de Enero: Los soviéticos atacan el Ruhr, pero son detenidos en esa zona. Ocupación de toda Bavaria
  • 2 de Enero: Captura de Stuttgart. Los soviéticos llegan al río Rin cerca de Koblenz. Comienza la invasión de Yugoslavia
  • 3 de Enero: Avances en el sur y el Norte de Alemania. Captura del Banat, Zagreb y avances en el resto
  • 4 de Enero: Se alcanza la frontera francesa en el sur con la ocupación total de Baden. Captura de Belgrado, Skopje y Eslavonia.
  • 5 de Enero: Los soviéticos suben por el río Rin. Se alcanza la frontera holandesa. Eslovenia es ocupada por los soviéticos. Croacia declara su independencia como un estado títere de la URSS
  • 6 de Enero: Macedonia es totalmente ocupada. Yugoslavia se rinde
  • 7 de Enero: Ocupación total de Yugoslavia. Independencia (bajo títeres) de todas las repúblicas yugoslavas.
  • 8 de Enero: Se inicia la invasión de Grecia desde Bulgaria, tomando Alexandroupoli
  • 9 de Enero: Caída del Ruhr. Los aliados se retiran al otro lado del Rin. Grecia es invadida desde Albania y Macedonia
  • 10 de Enero: Caída de Ioannina y Tesalónica
  • 11 de Enero: El norte de Grecia (aislado del resto) es ocupado
  • 12 de Enero: Avances en Epiro y Tesalia. Invasión de Turquía a través de la ciudad de Kars
  • 13 de Enero: Parte de las islas griegas son ocupadas
  • 14 de Enero: Los soviéticos ocupan Boetia, Trebisonda y Erzurum
  • 15 de Enero: Ocupación de Atenas
  • 16 de Enero: Rendición de Grecia. Van ocupada.
  • 17 de Enero: Turquía ataca a Grecia y a Bulgaria en Europa
  • 18 de Enero: Recaptura de Alexandroupoli
  • 19 de Enero: Captura de Varna
  • 21 de Enero: Captura de Brugas
  • 23 de Enero: La ofensiva turca en Europa es frenada. España declara la guerra a la URSS
  • 27 de Enero: Contra-ataque soviético contra los turcos en Europa
  • 28 de Enero: Recaptura de Brugas
  • 29 de Enero: Liberación  de Varna
  • 30 de Enero: Expulsión de los turcos de Bulgaria
  • 31 de Enero: Reocupación total de Grecia
  • 2 de Febrero: Captura de Edirne
  • 4 de Febrero: Los soviéticos alcanzan la península de Galípoli
  • 5 de Febrero: Empieza el avance hasta Estambul, y se alcanza la ciudad el día 9
  • 6 de Febrero: Ocupación de Gallípoli.
  • 13 de Febrero: La parte europea de Estambul es ocupada
  • 16 de Febrero: Desembarco en la parte asiática de Estambul y en Esmirna
  • 19 de Febrero: Rendición de Turquía, es hecha un estado títere soviético
  • 22 de Febrero: Avance aliado en la zona de Koblenz
  • 24 de Febrero: Recaptura de Colonia. Ligeros avances en el rin
  • 27 de Febrero: Recaptura de todo el lado derecho del Rin
  • 28 de Febrero: Ataque Italiano sobre la península de Istria
  • 1 de Marzo: Ocupación de Istria y se inicia una invasión de la Austria ocupada.
  • 2 de Marzo: Baden es ocupado. Suecia y Finlandia se unen a la guerra. Desembarco en el norte de Noruega y avanze finlandés en Karelia
  • 3 de Marzo: Captura de Viipuri y la isla de Jutlandia
  • 4 de Marzo: Recaptura de Stuttgart. Avances en dirección a Hanover. Captura de Copenague
  • 6 de Marzo. Los aliados alcanzan Hanover pero son detenidos. Captura de Frankfurt
  • 7 de Marzo: Avances en el norte de Alemania. Ocupación del resto de Baden-Würtemberg. Los finlandeses llegan al lago Ladoga cerca de Leningrado
  • 8 de Marzo: Sitio de Hanover. Los Italianos ocupan Rijeka y entran en Alemania por el sur. Copenague es recapturada por los soviéticos
  • 10 de Marzo: Los franceses conectan con los italianos en la frontera Suiza
  • 11 de Marzo: Los aliados llegan a Bremen ocupando la Frisia alemana
  • 12 de Marzo: Los finlandeses son repelidos de las afueras de Leningrado
  • 13 de Marzo: Los aliados son repelidos de Bremen. Inicia la invasión de Eslovenia
  • 15 de Marzo: La invasión de Eslovenia es detenida. Los rusos separan a los franceses e italianos. Los finlandeses son expulsados de Rusia. Retirada aliada de Dinamarca
  • 16 de Marzo: Se rompe el asedio de Hanover
  • 17 de Marzo: Invasión soviética de Finlandia. Sigue hasta el día 27 con la captura de Helsinki
  • 19 de Marzo: Contra-ataque soviético en todo el frente alemán
  • 20 de Marzo: Invasión soviética de Suecia por el puerto de Malmo
  • 21 de Marzo: Frankfurt es reocupada por los aliados, frenando a los rusos. Avance ruso en Escania
  • 24 de Marzo: Los aliados pierden Frankfurt y se empiezan a retirar de Baden-Würtemberg. Captura de Gotenburg.
  • 25 de Marzo: El Ruhr es de nuevo asaltado por los soviéticos. El lago Vanern es alcanzado por los rusos
  • 26 de Marzo: Invasión rusa de Noruega cerca de Oslo
  • 27 de Marzo: Ocupación de Helsinki y rendición de Finlandia
  • 28 de Marzo: Captura del Ruhr. Baden ha sido evacuado. Ocupación de Oslo
  • 29 de Marzo: Retirada aliada al Rin y a la frontera holandesa. Estocolmo es sitiada. Los rusos invaden Suecia y Noruega en el norte
  • 2 de Abril: Ocupación de Normarca
  • 3 de Abril: Captura de Umea. Los soviéticos se extienden en el sur de Noruega
  • 4 de Abril: Captura de Estocolmo y rendición de Suecia
  • 6 de Abril: Captura de Bergen, Narvik y Tromso
  • 8 de Abril: Ocupación de Trondheim. Noruega se rinde.
  • 10 de Abril: Invasión italiana de Albania con la captura de Vlöre y Corfu
  • 11 de Abril: Avances en la costa albanesa
  • 12 de Abril: Tirana es alcanzada por los italianos
  • 13 de Abril: Expulsión de los italianos de Tirana
  • 14 de Abril: La invasión aliada de Albania fracasa. Corfu es abandonada
  • 21 de Abril: Invasión soviética del norte de Holanda
  • 22 de Abril: Ocupación de Frisia. Los avances siguen hasta el 25
  • 28 de Abril: Batalla de Ámsterdam. Los aliados son rodeados en la ciudad
  • 29 de Abril: Ocupación del norte de Holanda (al norte del Rin)
  • 1 de Mayo: Los aliados se rinden en Ámsterdam. Contra-ataque sobre los Italianos, recapturando la mitad de Eslovenia y Rijeka.
  • 2 de Mayo: Los italianos pierden la península de Istria y se retiran de Austria
  • 3 de Mayo: Recaptura de Eslovenia
  • 4 de Mayo: Ocupación de Trieste y Trento
  • 6 de Mayo: Captura de Verona
  • 7 de Mayo: El Véneto es ocupado
  • 8 de Mayo: Captura de Venecia
  • 11 de Mayo: Invasión del valle del Pó. Es continua hasta el día 17
  • 17 de Mayo: Captura de Milan. Avance sobre la Toscana
  • 18 de Mayo: Captura de Siena y Pisa
  • 19 de Mayo: Ocupación de Florencia
  • 21 de Mayo: Ocupación del puerto de Ancona y el resto de la Toscana
  • 22 de Mayo: Desembarco en la ciudad de Taranto
  • 23 de Mayo: Ocupación de la península de Taranto. Los soviéticos cruzan el Rin cerca de Limburgo
  • 24 de Mayo: Ataque soviético en dirección a Roma. Imparable ofensiva soviética sobre el resto de Holanda y el Oeste de Bélgica
  • 25 de Mayo: Empieza la retirada aliada de la Renania. Captura de Lieja y Amberes
  • 26 de Mayo: Italia se rinde. Los soviéticos inician un ataque en punta de lanza sobre Namur, el cúal sigue hasta el 3 de Junio, cuando se llega al mar
  • 27 de Mayo: La Renania ha sido evacuada
  • 28 de Mayo: Captura soviética del Sarre
  • 29 de Mayo: Entrada soviética en Luxemburgo y Bruselas
  • 30 de Mayo: Entrada soviética en Alsacia Lorena. Captura de Lille
  • 1 de Junio: Captura de Estrasburgo y Metz
  • 2 de Junio: Alsacia es ocupada. Ataque soviético sobre Nica y Savoya. Una revolución comunista inicia en España, que se prolonga hasta el 15 de Junio
  • 3 de Junio: Los soviéticos rodean a los aliados en Bélgica con la captura de Caén
  • 4 de Junio: Ocupación de Verdún. Retirada hasta el puerto de Brujas
  • 6 de Junio: Los aliados son expulsados de Bélgica
  • 8 de Junio: Los soviéticos llegan al río Marne y empiezan a ocupar la Picardía
  • 11 de Junio: Captura de Le Havre. Se rompe el frente en Los Alpes
  • 12 de Junio: Captura de Tolón. Avance hacia París
  • 13 de Junio: Captura de Marsella
  • 15 de Junio: Entrada soviética en Lyon y París. España se convierte en una nación comunista que conquista Andorra
  • 16 de Junio: Rendición de Francia
  • 18 de Junio: Invasión hispano-soviética de Portugal en el Norte, centro y sur
  • 19 de Junio: Captura de Faro y Porto
  • 20 de de Junio: Avance hacia Lisboa
  • 21 de Junio: Ocupación de Gibraltar
  • 22 de Junio: Ocupación de Lisboa
  • 23 de Junio: Rendición de Portugal. Las colonias portuguesas se declaran independientes
  • 25 de Junio: Captura de Malta
  • 26 de Junio: España anexiona Portugal
  • 28 de Junio: Invasión de Chipre
  • 1 de Julio: Invasión soviética de Islandia, que es capturada al día siguiente. Chipre es capturado
  • 9 de Julio: Se proclaman las repúblicas socialistas del Benelux, Francia e Italia, acabando la guerra en la Europa continental.

Monday, 10 August 2015


  • 987: The Kingdom of France is founded with Hugh Capet as monarch. They don't own Catalonia except the Aran valley, Normandy, nor they do with Toulouse, Béarn. Bourbonnais, Flanders and Brittany, all of these being vassals of France. Current flag is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Oriflamme.png
  • 992: France loses control of Urgell
  • 996: Robert II starts to rule. Normandy is maden a French vassal
  • 1031: Henry I starts to rule
  • 1060: Philip I starts to rule
  • 1064: Control over Brittany lost
  • 1066: Brittany regained as a vassal, but Normandy is lost
  • 1108: Louis VI starts to rule
  • 1112: The lands around Marseille are obtained by the house of Barcelona
  • 1137: Louis VII starts to rule
  • 1152: England captures most of France
  • 1175: Aragon takes the Aran Valley from France
  • 1180: Philip II starts to rule
  • 1203: France takes Normandy from England
  • 1211: Flag becomes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pavillon_royal_de_la_France.svg
  • 1215: Occuppation of Kent
  • 1217: Kent abandoned
  • 1223: Louis VIII starts to rule
  • 1224: France gains English territory in Guyenne
  • 1226: Louis IX starts to rule
  • 1234: Navarre enters a personal union with France
  • 1242: English territory in Aquitaine is reduced to the river
  • 1266: Occuppation of Naples
  • 1270: Philip III starts to rule. Naples abandoned
  • 1271: France annexes the county of Toulouse
  • 1284: France occuppies the Rousillon and Girona
  • 1285: Philip IV starts to rule. Girona and Rousillon lost to Aragon
  • 1302: Flanders is no longer a French vassal
  • 1305: France gains land from the HRE
  • 1314: Louis X starts to rule
  • 1316: Philip V starts to rule
  • 1320: Flanders falls again under French influence
  • 1322: Charles IV starts to rule
  • 1324: France takes southeastern English Guyenne
  • 1327: France annexes Bourbonnais
  • 1328: Philip VI starts to rule. Navarre ends the PU with France
  • 1342: The Southern part of Brittany is lost to English control
  • 1345: Small English advance in Brittany. England makes small advances in eastern Aquitaine
  • 1346: Englad occuppies Flanders and takes Calais and the nearby gulf
  • 1347: Northwestern Brittany conquered by England
  • 1348: Northern Brittany taken. France sieges Calais
  • 1349: France gains land from the HRE. The siege of Calais is lifted. More of Brittany is occuppied and English advance in northern aquitaine
  • 1350: John II starts to rule
  • 1352: A part of Brittany is retaken
  • 1356: England takes Brittany and Aquitaine south of the Loire
  • 1360: France releases Auveregne as a vassal. England takes more of South France
  • 1364: Charles V starts to rule
  • 1374: France expels the English invasion, restoring the vassals of Béarn and Brittany
  • 1380: Charles VI starts to rule
  • 1383: Burgundy gains control of Flanders, ending the French vassal of it
  • 1407: Burgundy takes over the modern French province of Burgundy
  • 1418: Anglo-Burgundian invasion of Northern France
  • 1420: England takes Northern France including Brittany and Paris
  • 1422: Charles VII starts to rule. England and Burgundy push further into France
  • 1429: The siege of Orléans is lifted and France recaptures Burgundian and English territory
  • 1427: England begins the siege of Orléans
  • 1435: France expels Burgundy all the way to the modern province of Burgundy
  • 1436: Burgundy leaves France. Flanders is restored as a French vassal, same for Brittany. Paris is also liberated from the English
  • 1448: England loses southern Normandy
  • 1450: France captures all of Normandy
  • 1453: France expells England from Aquitaine
  • 1461: Louis XI starts to rule
  • 1462: France gains the Rousillon
  • 1477: The French vassal of Flanders is given to Austria
  • 1482: France conquers the Provence from the HRE. Nize remains owned by them.
  • 1483: Charles VIII starts to rule
  • 1493: France loses the Rousillon
  • 1498: Louis XII starts to rule
  • 1499: France conquers the Duchy of Milan
  • 1513: France loses Milan
  • 1515: Francis I starts to rule. Milan recaptured
  • 1531: France annexes Auveregne
  • 1536: France conquers the Duchy of Savoy
  • 1539: Savoy is restored with no influence
  • 1547: Henry II starts to rule. Brittany is annexed to France
  • 1554: France colonizes the area around Sao Paulo
  • 1558: France takes Calais from England
  • 1559: Francis II starts to rule
  • 1560: Charles IX starts to rule
  • 1562; France gains a fort in Florida
  • 1565: French Florida lost
  • 1567: French Brazil collapses
  • 1574: Henry III starts to rule
  • 1589: Henry IV starts to rule
  • 1598: Flag becomes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Royal_Standard_of_the_King_of_France.svg
  • 1604: France colonizes southern New Brunswick and Saint Pierre. French Guyanna founded
  • 1605: The colony on New Brunswick is abandoned by one in Nova Scotia
  • 1608: The city of Quebec founded
  • 1610: Louis XIII starts to rule
  • 1612: France colonizes Saint Louis, in Northern Brazil
  • 1613: The French colony in Nova Scotia is abandoned
  • 1615: French Brazil conquered by the Spanish
  • 1621: France annexes Béarn
  • 1634: France vassalizes the Duchy of Lorraine
  • 1635: France takes Guadeloupe and Martinique
  • 1638: France takes the island of Réunion
  • 1642: France occuppies Spanish territory until reaching Lleida and Barcelona. New France obtains most of the Saint Lawrence area
  • 1643: Louis XIV starts to rule
  • 1648: French armies reach the Ebre river. France also gains southern Spanish Flanders
  • 1650: France takes Grenada island. French armies lose Catalonia up to Barcelona and Lleida. Virgin Islands taken
  • 1651: Spain recaptures Barcelona
  • 1652: French armies leave Spain, but the Rousillon is annexed to France
  • 1658: France expands taking a bit more of the Spanish Flanders, around Dunkirk
  • 1659: The Duchy of Lorraine is no longer a French vassal. The French border is expanded and reaches Luxembourg
  • 1660: France takes the island of Saint Lucia
  • 1664: France takes Saint Vicent and Dominica
  • 1666: Tobago gained for a year
  • 1668: France obtains the area to the Great Lakes, taking their Canadian shore except the Superior
  • 1670: France expands in the HRE until reaching modern border. Burgundy remains uncontrolled
  • 1674: France gains Pondicherry and expands in Canada by taking the Superior lake area
  • 1679: Spanish Burgundy is given to France and the border in the Netherlands is set in the modern border. New France takes inner Quebec
  • 1680: All of the Great Lakes basin is taken by France
  • 1681: France takes half of the Mississipi river course
  • 1682: France takes all of the Mississipi
  • 1685: France gains a fort in Texas
  • 1689: Conquest of Nova Scotia. The fort in Texas conquered by the Spanish
  • 1693: France expands west of the Great Lakes
  • 1697: France loses most of Lorraine, but gains Haiti
  • 1700: A part of Mantua is taken by France. France gains the Michigan peninsula and part of the Gulf of Mexico
  • 1703: France loses it's Southern Italian enclave
  • 1705: France takes Saint Kitts island
  • 1708: France loses it's Northern Italian enclave
  • 1713: France takes the island of Curaçao. New France gains a lot of territory in Eastern Canada, but loses Saint Pierre. Nova Scotia lost
  • 1714: France loses Curaçao. New France expands in the South
  • 1715: Louis XV starts to rule. France takes Mauritius
  • 1717: New France expands in the USA
  • 1721: Chagos Archipelago obtained
  • 1730: New France expands and takes the Winnipeg lake. France obtains trading posts in Bengal
  • 1733: Virgin Islands lost
  • 1737: France regains Lorraine
  • 1745: Chagos islands lost
  • 1746: France conquers Madras
  • 1753: New France expands in the USA. Turks and Caicos islands obtained
  • 1754: Turks and Caicos Abandoned. Look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1AUk7yW040 until 1763
  • 1756: France takes Minorca and the Seychelles
  • 1757: France loses Bengal
  • 1759: France loses Guadeloupe
  • 1760: France loses Pondicherry
  • 1761: France loses Dominica
  • 1762: France loses all of the Caribbean small islands except Saint Vincent
  • 1763: Britain takes Saint Vincent, but France gains Guadeloupe and Martinique. France loses all of it's North American posessions except Saint Pierre and Miquelon. French Bengal is also regained.
  • 1764: Falkland Islands colonized
  • 1767: Falklands lost
  • 1768: Chagos regained
  • 1769: France gains Corsica
  • 1774: Louis XVI starts to rule
  • 1775: Corsica lost
  • 1778: Corsica regained. Turks and Caicos taken for a year
  • 1781: Tobago gained
  • 1782: Occuppation of Guyana
  • 1783: France colonizes Senegal. Turks and Caicos taken for a year
  • 1784: French Guyanna reduced to it's modern day use
  • 1789: French Revolutionary wars begin. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdzwKHAPpaw
  • 1790: Avignon conquered. Flag becomes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_France_(1790-1794).svg
  • 1791: Haitian revolution begins. Look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SMPAxozZHQ until 1804
  • 1792: The French monarchy ends. The National convention rules France
  • 1793: Saint Pierre is occuppied by British. Monaco conquered by France. Tobago lost
  • 1794: Corsica and Martinique lost to the British. Flag becomes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_France.svg
  • 1795: The Directory begins to rule France, with Paul Barras on the head. The border is extended to the Rhine
  • 1796: Corsica recaptured
  • 1797: France conquers the Ionian Islands
  • 1798: France conquers Malta, annexes Jura and southwestern Swiss Canton and aswell invades Egypt, occuppying the northwest nile delta
  • 1799: Paul Barras is deposed and the French Consulate rules. Ionian islands lost. French army occuppyes the Nile Delta and the Sinai
  • 1800: Parma obtained by France. Lousiana gained. Egyptian army is destroyed
  • 1802: Napoleon declares himself as the only Consul, thus ruling France. Martinique recaptured. Tobago obtained for a year
  • 1803: French Louisiana lost. Napoleonic wars begin. Look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tCUYMlUNA8
  • 1804: Napoleon starts to rule as an emperor, becoming the First French Empire
  • 1807: Annexion of the Septinsular Republic and formation of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw as a vassal
  • 1808: Invasion of Spain begins. Tuscany annexed into France. French Guyana is invaded. Look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y9TIZijND4
  • 1809: Martinique lost. All of the Ionian islands lost except Corfu
  • 1810: Guadeloupe lost. Reunion, Chagos, Seychelles and Mauritius lost aswell. Annexion of Dalmatia, European Netherlands and parts of Germany
  • 1812: Annexion of Catalonia and Andorra
  • 1814: The French Empire ends, becoming the kingdom of France, with Louis XVIII on the power. Saint Pierre is regained. Most of the acquisitions during the Napoleonic wars lost.
  • 1815: Reúnion gained. Flag becomes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pavillon_royal_de_France.svg
  • 1824: Charles X starts to rule France
  • 1830: The ports of Oran, Bône and Algiers obtained. Louis-Philippe I starts to rule. Flag becomes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_France.svg
  • 1834: French Algiers city expands. The port of Bougie gained
  • 1837: Conquest of Wallis and Futuna
  • 1839: Equatorial Africa founded
  • 1840: French Algeria expands https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/French_Algeria_evolution_1830-1962_map-fr.svg
  • 1842: France vassalizes Tahiti
  • 1848: Further French expansion into Algeria (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/French_Algeria_evolution_1830-1962_map-fr.svg) The Kingdom of France becomes a Republic with Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte on the power
  • 1849: Shanghai obtained
  • 1852: The Republic is dismantled and the Second French Empire is proclaimed, with Napoleon III on the throne.
  • 1853: New Caledonia obtained
  • 1854: Expansion down the Senegal river
  • 1857: Dakar obtained. Algeria expands
  • 1858: Santa Helena island gained
  • 1860: Expansion of French Senegal. Tianjin gained
  • 1861: Veracruz occuppied
  • 1862: French occuppy the Mexican coast between Tampico and Campeche
  • 1863: Colonization of coastal Benin. France occuppies Mexico DF
  • 1864: Capture of Cochinchina and Cambodia. Most of Mexico until reaching Durango, Acapulco and Guadalajara is occuppied
  • 1865: Expansion of Senegal. Durango lost, but the French capture the Rio G
  • 1866: Santa Helena lost. Massive French retreat from North mexico
  • 1867: Mexico abandoned
  • 1870: Second French Empire collapses. The government of National Defense is formed with Louis Jules Trochu on the head. Franco-Prussian war. Look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ96cIKYDmM
  • 1871: The Third French Republic proclaimed. Adolphe Tiers is proclaimed president
  • 1873: Patrice Mac-Mahon is elected as president
  • 1879: Jules Grévy is elected as president. Annexation of the kingdom of Cayor
  • 1880: Incorporation of the Polynesia and annexion of Tahiti. Expansion of Equatorial Africa. Obtaining of New Ireland
  • 1881: Expansion of the Senegal and obtaining of Tunisia
  • 1882: New Ireland abandoned
  • 1884: Conquest of Vietnam
  • 1885: Expansion of Equatorial Africa
  • 1886: Annexation of Comoros
  • 1887: Marie François Sadi Carnot is elected as president. Djibouti obtained. New Hebrides becomes a French protectorate
  • 1888: Border territories gained from Siam
  • 1892: French expansion into West Africa. Northeast Nigeria taken for a year. Annexation of the islands northeast of Kerguelen
  • 1893: Extra land gained from Siam. Conquest of Kerguelen and Crozet islands
  • 1894: Jean Casimir-Perier is elected as president. Expansion of Equatorial Africa
  • 1895: Félix Faure is elected as president. Conquest of Madagascar
  • 1897: Conquest of Baguirmi
  • 1898: Accession of Zhanjiang. Expansion of Africa. Hankou gained
  • 1899: Émile Loubet is elected as president
  • 1900: Expansion in Africa
  • 1901: Conquest of Ouaddai
  • 1904: French conquest of the Sahara. Extra land gained from Siam
  • 1906: Amand Falliéres is elected as president. Annexation of the New Hebrides
  • 1907: Further land gained from Siam
  • 1909: Border adjustement between France and Spain in the Sahara
  • 1912: Conquest of Morocco. German Kameroon expanded into French lands
  • 1913: Raymond Poincaré is elected as president
  • 1916: Protectorate begins in Southeastern Albania
  • 1918: A protectorate is stablished in Syria. Parts of Turkey occuppied. Occuppation of Alsace-Lorraine
  • 1919: Annexion of Alsace-Lorraine. Obtaining of Togo and Cameroon. Expansion of the Syrian protectorate
  • 1920: Alexandre Millerand is elected as president. Parts of Turkey lost. Protectorate of Albania abandoned
  • 1921: French leave Turkey except Hatay, which is annexed
  • 1924: Gaston Doumergue is elected as president. Adélie land Claimed
  • 1931: Paul Doumer is elected as president
  • 1932: Albert Lebrun is elected as president
  • 1933: Occuppation of Andorra
  • 1934: Andorra left
  • 1939: Hatay handed to Turkey. WW2 begins. Look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yUWAFtnx_0
  • 1940: France falls and is divided between Free France (with no ruler) and Vichy France (Ruled by Philippe Pétain). Indochina and Chinese bases lost to Japan
  • 1941: French Syria occuppied by Britain
  • 1942: Djibouti obtained by the Brits
  • 1943: French occuppation of a part of Italian Libya. Djibouti given to Free France.
  • 1944: Vichy France is dissolved. Charles de Gaulle takes the power of France as a provisional governor
  • 1945: Occuppation of parts of Germany and Austria
  • 1946: León Blum takes the charge of provisional governor
  • 1947: Vincent Auriol is elected as president of France, ending the provisional government and installing another French Republic. A vassal maden in the Saar
  • 1949: Unocuppation of Germany. Saar remains a vassal
  • 1951: Cease of the occuppation in Libya
  • 1953: Cambodia abandoned
  • 1954: René Coty is elected as president. Indochina lost
  • 1956: Morocco and Tunisia (except Bizerte) lost. Evacuation of the armies in Austria. Saar abandoned
  • 1959: Charles de Gaulle is elected as president
  • 1960: France leaves Madagascar, The Congo, Gabon, C.A.R., Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Togo and Benin
  • 1962: Algeria lost
  • 1963: Bizerte lost
  • 1969: Georges Pompidou is elected as president
  • 1974: Valéry Giscard d'Estaing is elected as president
  • 1975: Comoros abandoned
  • 1976: Djibouti lost
  • 1981: François Mitterand is elected as president
  • 1995: Jacques Chirac is elected as president
  • 2007: Nicolas Sarkozy is elected as president
  • 2012: François Hollande is elected as president

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Japanese Empire

  • January 1868: Japanese Empire proclaimed in the South of the country, the north and the center is under Boshin control. Currently Japan owns: Mainland islands, Southern Kurils and has a claim over Sakhalin
  • February 1868: Imperial advances around the western coastline
  • March 1868: Imperial Forces get closer to Tokio and take the western coastline up to the island
  • April 1868: Imperial Forces capture a small island close to Niigata
  • May 1868: Imperial Forces cut off Edo and Kanto from the rest of the country
  • June 1868: Imperial Forces capture Edo
  • October 1868: Imperial Forces siege Aizu (between Edo and Sendai) and capture Sendai
  • November 1868: Aizu surrenders to the Imperial Forces and they capture the rest of the main island
  • December 1868: Imperial Forces land in the south of Hokkaido but are stopped in the coast
  • April 1869: Imperial Forces capture most of Hokkaid but a city in the Southernmost part. They also manage to seize the Southern Kuril islands
  • June 1869: The Imperial Forces take full control of the modern Japanese islands
  • January 1872: Japan makes the Ryukyu islands vassal territory
  • May 1874: Japan occuppies the island of Formosa
  • May 1875: Japan occuppies the Kuril islands
  • August 1875: Japan officially annexes the Kuril Islands and leaves all claims on Sakhalin
  • March 1879: Japan annexes the Ryukyu kingdom
  • May 1947: Japan ceaes to be an empire to be a Monarchy

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Great Northern War

  • 23 February: The siege of Riga fails
  • 20 March 1700: Denmark invades Holstein-Gottorp
  • 21 April 1700: Danish armies siege Tönning
  • 4 August 1700: Swedish landing in Humblaek (just under the closest zone between Sweden and Denmark). Small advances happen until the 23rd
  • 23 August 1700: Denmark surrenders and drops out of the war
  • 30 November 1700: Battle of Narva
  • 23 February 1701: The Swedes capture Pechora
  • 19 July 1701: The Swedish army crosses the Duna (the river that ends in Riga) close to the city itself
  • 1 September 1701: Russians enter Stonia in the Southern side of the Peipus
  • 15 September 1701: Russians lose a battle in Rouge
  • 9 January 1702: Sweden loses control of Erastvere
  • 24 March 1702: The Poles stop the Swedish advance at Druskininkai
  • 16 April 1702: Sweden occuppies Vilnius
  • 14 May 1702: Sweden occuppies Warsaw
  • 19 July 1702: Sweden occuppies Kielce
  • 29 July 1702: Russians assume control of Hummuli
  • 31 July 1702: Sweden enters Krakow
  • 7 October 1702: Russians lay siege to Shlisselburg
  • 22 October 1702: Shlisselburg falls to the Russians
  • 29 March 1703: Battle of Salociai, Swedish victory
  • 1 May 1703: Sweden defeats the poles at Pultusk
  • 15 May 1703: Sweden lays siege to Torun
  • 19 July 1703: Russia occuppies the land north of modern St.Petersburg (from the coast to the Ladoga)
  • 14 October 1703: The fort of Torun surrenders to Sweden
  • 16 February 1704: The Swedish occuppied Poland becomes a country "The Warsaw Confederation"
  • 24 June 1704: Russia occuppies Tartu
  • 26 June 1704: Russia occuppies Rakvere
  • 5 August 1704: Swedish invasion of Poland across Jekabpils
  • 9 August 1704: Russia besieges Narva
  • 19 August 1704: Sweden occuppies Poznan
  • 20 August 1704: Russia captures Narva
  • 4 October 1704: Sweden proclaims Stanislaw I as king of Poland, forminf a Polish kingdom as an ally in their occuppied lands
  • 28 October 1704: Sweden occuppies Janiszewo
  • 1 July 1705: Russians begin to march on Riga
  • 17 July 1705: Poland starts to move to Warsaw
  • 26 July 1705: The Russians are defeated in the southwest of Riga. From this point, the Russians begin to conquer Courland until late August
  • 31 July 1705: The poles are pushed out of the nearbies of Warsaw
  • 30 August 1705: Russia conquers all of Courland
  • 25 October 1705: Poland tries to assault Warsaw again, being defeated and Sweden advances down the Vistula
  • 5 January 1706: Sweden occuppies Grodno
  • 13 February 1706: A Saxo-Polish army is smashed at Wschowa
  • 30 April 1706: Sweden occuppies Kletsk, near Minsk
  • 25 July 1706: Swedish armies reach the Neva River but don't take Petrograd
  • 29 October 1706: Poland defeats a Swedish army at Kalisz
  • 1 September 1707: Russian armies advance north in Ingria in direction to Vyborg, which they reach on 12 October
  • 12 October 1707: Russian armies reach and besiege Vyborg
  • 26 October 1707: Russia is forced to leave the siege of Vyborg and retreats
  • 7 February 1708: A Russian army is defeated near Grodno and Sweden advances more
  • 14 July 1708: Swedend defeats a Russian army northeast of Minsk
  • 9 September 1708: Sweden reoccuppies the Neva river area
  • 10 September 1708: Bitter Swedish advance near Minsk
  • 20 September 1708: First Swedish incursions in Ukraine, concretely in Rajovka up to Kie
  • 26 September 1708: Sweden starts to invade Ukraine massively
  • 28 September 1708: The Swedish army turns south
  • 3 October 1708: The Swedes cross the Dnieper
  • 9 October 1708: Sweden occuppies Mogilev
  • 10 October 1708: Sweden is close to Gomel and advance in the south
  • 12 October 1708: Sweden stops the advance near Gomel
  • 17 October 1708: Sweden loses it's last advance into Ingria
  • 23 Ocober 1708: Swedish army stopped close to Starodub but advances in further days
  • 1 November 1708: Russia invades the Cossack Hetmanate and sacks Baturyn
  • 11 November 1708: Sweden crosses the Desna river
  • 21 November 1708: The supporters of August II defeat the supporters of Ladislaw (pro-Swedish) at Koniecpol
  • 3 January 1709: Sweden sieges Vepryk (at like 120 km North of Poltava)
  • 18 January 1709: Sweden captures Vepryk
  • 8 February 1709: Sweden reaches the Vorskla river
  • 20 February 1709: The Swedes reach Krasnokutsk (between Kharkov and Poltava) but cannot capture it
  • 22 February 1709: Sweden captures Krasnokutsk
  • 23 April 1709: Cossacks and Swedes are close to Poltava and capture Sokolki
  • 8 July 1709: Battle of Poltava, Swedish defeat
  • 11 July 1709: Russian army pushes the Swedish one and makes it surrender gaining ground
  • 15 July 1709: The Swedish province of Livonia surrenders to Russia
  • 10 October 1709: The Swedish province of Estonia surrenders to Russia
  • 18 October 1709: Denmark-Norway declares war to Sweden
  • 2 November 1709: Denmark lands in the city of Helsingborg
  • 10 March 1710: Danish army is pushed out of Swedish mainland
  • 22 March 1710: Russia lays siege to Vyborg
  • 13 April 1710: Swedish armies leave Poland and the Confederation of Warsaw collapses
  • 12 June 1710: Russia captures the city of Vyborg
  • 3 July 1710: Hannover declares war to Sweden
  • 20 November 1710: Ottoman Empire declares war to Russia
  • 13 April 1711: The Ottoman vassal of Moldavia rebels and declares war to the Ottomans, but only modern Bessarabia does so
  • 11 July 1711: Russian army advances down the modern Romano-Moldovan border
  • 14 July 1711: Russian army captures the city of Braila, in the Danube
  • 18 July 1711: Russian army gets surrounded in the border
  • 21 July 1711: Ottoman Empire leaves the war and gets the city of Azov
  • 22 July 1711: Russian encircled army surrenders
  • 25 September 1711: The city of Straslund in Swedish Pomerannia is being sieged
  • 26 August 1712: Russian armies take Kouvola and surrounding areas including the coast
  • 13 November 1712: The Swedish dominion of Bremen falls to the coalition
  • 20 December 1712: Sweden captures the city of Lübeck
  • 15 February 1713: Half of the county of Holstein-Gottorp is occuppied by the Danes
  • 13 March 1713: All of Holstein-Gottorp is occuppied except a fort
  • 8 May 1713: Russians land in Helsinki
  • 22 May 1713: Russian landing at Perna
  • 13 June 1713: Russia occuppies Southern Finland
  • 26 September 1713: Russia takes Turku
  • 17 October 1713: Russia captures the city of Pälkäne
  • 7 February 1714: The fortress in Holstein-Gottorp surrenders
  • 2 March 1714: Russia captures Isokyrö
  • 11 March 1714: Russia occuppies southwest Finland
  • 27 June 1714: Prussia declares war to Sweden
  • 1 August 1714: Great Britain declares war to Sweden
  • 13 August 1714: Russia takes the Aland islands
  • 18 September 1714: Russia occuppies Raahe and starts and advance until October in the Bothnia gulf
  • 1 October 1714: Russia occuppies Tornio
  • 11 October 1714: Swedish finland is totally occuppied by Russia
  • 8 August 1715: Denmark conquers the island of Rügen except it's easternmost part
  • 16 November 1715: The coalition totally conquers the island of Rügen
  • 24 December 1715: Straslund surrenders to the Danes
  • 8 March 1716: Swedish armies enter Norway in the southern part of the border
  • 19 March 1716: Swedish armies reach the outskirts of Oslo
  • 8 April 1716: Sweden occuppies Oslo
  • 13 April 1716: The last town in Swedish Pomerannia (Wismar) surrenders
  • 17 May 1716: Sweden loses control of Oslo and surroundings
  • 4 July 1716: Sweden captures Halden
  • 12 July 1716: Swedish armies leave Norway
  • 19 July 1717: Strömstad captured by Sweden
  • 1 September 1718: Sweden invades Norway in Trondelag, reaching halfway to the coast
  • 17 September 1718: Sweden reaches the coast in Trondelag, in the town of Stjordal
  • 3 November 1718: Sweden is pushed off the Trondelag coast
  • 30 November 1718: The town of Halden is besieged by Sweden
  • 1 December 1718: Sweden evacuates Halden
  • 28 December 1718: Swedish armies lose half of their advance in Trondelag
  • 3 January 1719: Swedish invasion of Trondelag repulsed
  • 1 July 1719: Russia makes 3 landings, north to Stockholm, in Stockholm and south of Stockholm
  • 26 July 1719: Russian armies reach the Stockholm lake in the North
  • 13 August 1719: Russian northern army is enrouted from the Stockholm lake to the coast. Great Britain switches sides (not Hannover)
  • 9 November 1719: Swedish Bremen is given to Hanover as Hanover leaves the war
  • 21 January 1720: Sweden signs peace with Prussia and gives them a part of Swedish Pomerannia. The rest of Swedish Pomerannia remains occuppied by the Danes
  • 20 May 1720: Great Britain leaves the war
  • 3 July 1720: Denmark-Norway makes peace with Sweden, just dropping out of the war
  • 30 August 1721: The war ends as the treaty of Nystad is signed. Sweden cedes the Baltic region and Karelia to Russia