Sunday, 21 June 2015

Japanese Empire

  • January 1868: Japanese Empire proclaimed in the South of the country, the north and the center is under Boshin control. Currently Japan owns: Mainland islands, Southern Kurils and has a claim over Sakhalin
  • February 1868: Imperial advances around the western coastline
  • March 1868: Imperial Forces get closer to Tokio and take the western coastline up to the island
  • April 1868: Imperial Forces capture a small island close to Niigata
  • May 1868: Imperial Forces cut off Edo and Kanto from the rest of the country
  • June 1868: Imperial Forces capture Edo
  • October 1868: Imperial Forces siege Aizu (between Edo and Sendai) and capture Sendai
  • November 1868: Aizu surrenders to the Imperial Forces and they capture the rest of the main island
  • December 1868: Imperial Forces land in the south of Hokkaido but are stopped in the coast
  • April 1869: Imperial Forces capture most of Hokkaid but a city in the Southernmost part. They also manage to seize the Southern Kuril islands
  • June 1869: The Imperial Forces take full control of the modern Japanese islands
  • January 1872: Japan makes the Ryukyu islands vassal territory
  • May 1874: Japan occuppies the island of Formosa
  • May 1875: Japan occuppies the Kuril islands
  • August 1875: Japan officially annexes the Kuril Islands and leaves all claims on Sakhalin
  • March 1879: Japan annexes the Ryukyu kingdom
  • May 1947: Japan ceaes to be an empire to be a Monarchy

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Great Northern War

  • 23 February: The siege of Riga fails
  • 20 March 1700: Denmark invades Holstein-Gottorp
  • 21 April 1700: Danish armies siege Tönning
  • 4 August 1700: Swedish landing in Humblaek (just under the closest zone between Sweden and Denmark). Small advances happen until the 23rd
  • 23 August 1700: Denmark surrenders and drops out of the war
  • 30 November 1700: Battle of Narva
  • 23 February 1701: The Swedes capture Pechora
  • 19 July 1701: The Swedish army crosses the Duna (the river that ends in Riga) close to the city itself
  • 1 September 1701: Russians enter Stonia in the Southern side of the Peipus
  • 15 September 1701: Russians lose a battle in Rouge
  • 9 January 1702: Sweden loses control of Erastvere
  • 24 March 1702: The Poles stop the Swedish advance at Druskininkai
  • 16 April 1702: Sweden occuppies Vilnius
  • 14 May 1702: Sweden occuppies Warsaw
  • 19 July 1702: Sweden occuppies Kielce
  • 29 July 1702: Russians assume control of Hummuli
  • 31 July 1702: Sweden enters Krakow
  • 7 October 1702: Russians lay siege to Shlisselburg
  • 22 October 1702: Shlisselburg falls to the Russians
  • 29 March 1703: Battle of Salociai, Swedish victory
  • 1 May 1703: Sweden defeats the poles at Pultusk
  • 15 May 1703: Sweden lays siege to Torun
  • 19 July 1703: Russia occuppies the land north of modern St.Petersburg (from the coast to the Ladoga)
  • 14 October 1703: The fort of Torun surrenders to Sweden
  • 16 February 1704: The Swedish occuppied Poland becomes a country "The Warsaw Confederation"
  • 24 June 1704: Russia occuppies Tartu
  • 26 June 1704: Russia occuppies Rakvere
  • 5 August 1704: Swedish invasion of Poland across Jekabpils
  • 9 August 1704: Russia besieges Narva
  • 19 August 1704: Sweden occuppies Poznan
  • 20 August 1704: Russia captures Narva
  • 4 October 1704: Sweden proclaims Stanislaw I as king of Poland, forminf a Polish kingdom as an ally in their occuppied lands
  • 28 October 1704: Sweden occuppies Janiszewo
  • 1 July 1705: Russians begin to march on Riga
  • 17 July 1705: Poland starts to move to Warsaw
  • 26 July 1705: The Russians are defeated in the southwest of Riga. From this point, the Russians begin to conquer Courland until late August
  • 31 July 1705: The poles are pushed out of the nearbies of Warsaw
  • 30 August 1705: Russia conquers all of Courland
  • 25 October 1705: Poland tries to assault Warsaw again, being defeated and Sweden advances down the Vistula
  • 5 January 1706: Sweden occuppies Grodno
  • 13 February 1706: A Saxo-Polish army is smashed at Wschowa
  • 30 April 1706: Sweden occuppies Kletsk, near Minsk
  • 25 July 1706: Swedish armies reach the Neva River but don't take Petrograd
  • 29 October 1706: Poland defeats a Swedish army at Kalisz
  • 1 September 1707: Russian armies advance north in Ingria in direction to Vyborg, which they reach on 12 October
  • 12 October 1707: Russian armies reach and besiege Vyborg
  • 26 October 1707: Russia is forced to leave the siege of Vyborg and retreats
  • 7 February 1708: A Russian army is defeated near Grodno and Sweden advances more
  • 14 July 1708: Swedend defeats a Russian army northeast of Minsk
  • 9 September 1708: Sweden reoccuppies the Neva river area
  • 10 September 1708: Bitter Swedish advance near Minsk
  • 20 September 1708: First Swedish incursions in Ukraine, concretely in Rajovka up to Kie
  • 26 September 1708: Sweden starts to invade Ukraine massively
  • 28 September 1708: The Swedish army turns south
  • 3 October 1708: The Swedes cross the Dnieper
  • 9 October 1708: Sweden occuppies Mogilev
  • 10 October 1708: Sweden is close to Gomel and advance in the south
  • 12 October 1708: Sweden stops the advance near Gomel
  • 17 October 1708: Sweden loses it's last advance into Ingria
  • 23 Ocober 1708: Swedish army stopped close to Starodub but advances in further days
  • 1 November 1708: Russia invades the Cossack Hetmanate and sacks Baturyn
  • 11 November 1708: Sweden crosses the Desna river
  • 21 November 1708: The supporters of August II defeat the supporters of Ladislaw (pro-Swedish) at Koniecpol
  • 3 January 1709: Sweden sieges Vepryk (at like 120 km North of Poltava)
  • 18 January 1709: Sweden captures Vepryk
  • 8 February 1709: Sweden reaches the Vorskla river
  • 20 February 1709: The Swedes reach Krasnokutsk (between Kharkov and Poltava) but cannot capture it
  • 22 February 1709: Sweden captures Krasnokutsk
  • 23 April 1709: Cossacks and Swedes are close to Poltava and capture Sokolki
  • 8 July 1709: Battle of Poltava, Swedish defeat
  • 11 July 1709: Russian army pushes the Swedish one and makes it surrender gaining ground
  • 15 July 1709: The Swedish province of Livonia surrenders to Russia
  • 10 October 1709: The Swedish province of Estonia surrenders to Russia
  • 18 October 1709: Denmark-Norway declares war to Sweden
  • 2 November 1709: Denmark lands in the city of Helsingborg
  • 10 March 1710: Danish army is pushed out of Swedish mainland
  • 22 March 1710: Russia lays siege to Vyborg
  • 13 April 1710: Swedish armies leave Poland and the Confederation of Warsaw collapses
  • 12 June 1710: Russia captures the city of Vyborg
  • 3 July 1710: Hannover declares war to Sweden
  • 20 November 1710: Ottoman Empire declares war to Russia
  • 13 April 1711: The Ottoman vassal of Moldavia rebels and declares war to the Ottomans, but only modern Bessarabia does so
  • 11 July 1711: Russian army advances down the modern Romano-Moldovan border
  • 14 July 1711: Russian army captures the city of Braila, in the Danube
  • 18 July 1711: Russian army gets surrounded in the border
  • 21 July 1711: Ottoman Empire leaves the war and gets the city of Azov
  • 22 July 1711: Russian encircled army surrenders
  • 25 September 1711: The city of Straslund in Swedish Pomerannia is being sieged
  • 26 August 1712: Russian armies take Kouvola and surrounding areas including the coast
  • 13 November 1712: The Swedish dominion of Bremen falls to the coalition
  • 20 December 1712: Sweden captures the city of Lübeck
  • 15 February 1713: Half of the county of Holstein-Gottorp is occuppied by the Danes
  • 13 March 1713: All of Holstein-Gottorp is occuppied except a fort
  • 8 May 1713: Russians land in Helsinki
  • 22 May 1713: Russian landing at Perna
  • 13 June 1713: Russia occuppies Southern Finland
  • 26 September 1713: Russia takes Turku
  • 17 October 1713: Russia captures the city of Pälkäne
  • 7 February 1714: The fortress in Holstein-Gottorp surrenders
  • 2 March 1714: Russia captures Isokyrö
  • 11 March 1714: Russia occuppies southwest Finland
  • 27 June 1714: Prussia declares war to Sweden
  • 1 August 1714: Great Britain declares war to Sweden
  • 13 August 1714: Russia takes the Aland islands
  • 18 September 1714: Russia occuppies Raahe and starts and advance until October in the Bothnia gulf
  • 1 October 1714: Russia occuppies Tornio
  • 11 October 1714: Swedish finland is totally occuppied by Russia
  • 8 August 1715: Denmark conquers the island of Rügen except it's easternmost part
  • 16 November 1715: The coalition totally conquers the island of Rügen
  • 24 December 1715: Straslund surrenders to the Danes
  • 8 March 1716: Swedish armies enter Norway in the southern part of the border
  • 19 March 1716: Swedish armies reach the outskirts of Oslo
  • 8 April 1716: Sweden occuppies Oslo
  • 13 April 1716: The last town in Swedish Pomerannia (Wismar) surrenders
  • 17 May 1716: Sweden loses control of Oslo and surroundings
  • 4 July 1716: Sweden captures Halden
  • 12 July 1716: Swedish armies leave Norway
  • 19 July 1717: Strömstad captured by Sweden
  • 1 September 1718: Sweden invades Norway in Trondelag, reaching halfway to the coast
  • 17 September 1718: Sweden reaches the coast in Trondelag, in the town of Stjordal
  • 3 November 1718: Sweden is pushed off the Trondelag coast
  • 30 November 1718: The town of Halden is besieged by Sweden
  • 1 December 1718: Sweden evacuates Halden
  • 28 December 1718: Swedish armies lose half of their advance in Trondelag
  • 3 January 1719: Swedish invasion of Trondelag repulsed
  • 1 July 1719: Russia makes 3 landings, north to Stockholm, in Stockholm and south of Stockholm
  • 26 July 1719: Russian armies reach the Stockholm lake in the North
  • 13 August 1719: Russian northern army is enrouted from the Stockholm lake to the coast. Great Britain switches sides (not Hannover)
  • 9 November 1719: Swedish Bremen is given to Hanover as Hanover leaves the war
  • 21 January 1720: Sweden signs peace with Prussia and gives them a part of Swedish Pomerannia. The rest of Swedish Pomerannia remains occuppied by the Danes
  • 20 May 1720: Great Britain leaves the war
  • 3 July 1720: Denmark-Norway makes peace with Sweden, just dropping out of the war
  • 30 August 1721: The war ends as the treaty of Nystad is signed. Sweden cedes the Baltic region and Karelia to Russia

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Hispano-Moroccan war

  • 22 October 1859: Spain declares war to Morocco
  • 19 November 1959: The Spanish army takes a few places around Ceuta
  • 17 December 1959: Small Spanish advance
  • 19 December 1959: Another small Spanish advance
  • 1 January 1860: Spain occuppies a small area near Ceuta in the Western Coast
  • 16 January 1860: Spanish landing close to the front in the South (the landing happens at Rincón)
  • 19 January 1860: Both Spanish armies connect
  • 20 January 1860: Small Spanish advance
  • 21 January 1860: Spain captures the coast close to Tetoúan
  • 3 February 1860: Spanish advance begins towards Tetoúan
  • 4 Feburary 1860: Spain surrounds Tetoúan
  • 6 February 1860: Spain captures Tetoúan
  • 11 March 1860: Spain begins to advance (really slowly) towards Tangier
  • 23 March 1860: The Spanish army stops at Wad-Ras close to Tangier
  • 26 March 1860: The war ends in the treaty of Wad-Ras