Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Napoleonic Wars


  • 18 May: The war begins, remember that it will be every five days
  • 22 May: French troops begins the invasion of Hannover, which will be finished by 1 June
  • 1 June: France takes over Hannover
  • 12 December: Spain declares war to Great Britain
  • 11 April: Russia declares war to France
  • 2 June: The French recapture the southern part of Martinique island after the battle of Diamond Rock
  • 4 June: France annexes the Ligurian Republic
  • 8 June: France vassalizes the small state between Tuscany and Italy
  • 9 August: Third coalition officially formed
  • 17 September: French armies from the South begin to march towards Ulm
  • 22 September: Frenbch army stations next to Ulm
  • 10 August: Austria, Naples and Sweden declare war to France
  • 5 October: French armies capture Donauwörth
  • 8 October: French capture Wertingen
  • 9 October: French capture Günzburg
  • 11 October: French capture Ulm-Jungingen
  • 14 October: France captures Elchingen
  • 15 October: France besieges Ulm
  • 18 October: France captures the town of Verona and stops the advance
  • 20 October: France captures the city of Ulm slaughtering a german army and forcing the retreat of the Austrians all the way back to the frontier
  • 30 October: France captures Caldiero
  • 4 November: French capture San Pietro in Gu
  • 4 November: French get stopped at Scharnitz
  • 5 November: French capture Amstetten
  • 7 November: French capture Innsbruck
  • 8 November: French capture Mariazell in a spear movement
  • 9 November: Swedish armies land in Baltic Hannover
  • 11 November: French capture Valvasone in a spear movement closing Castelfranco Veneto. French also capture Dürenstein
  • 12 November: France captures Vienna in a spear movement
  • 13 November: France captures Dornbirn
  • 16 November: France captures Schöngrabern
  • 19 November: French capture Bovec
  • 24 November: French capture Castelfranco Veneto
  • 25 November: French capture Wischau
  • 2 December: France captures Austerlitz
  • 4 December: Swedish invasion of Hanover loses ground but it's not defeated
  • 26 December: Via the Peace of Pressburg, Austria surrenders to France. Kingdom of Bavaria proclaimed. Russia and Sweden remain at war with France
  • 3 January: Britain lands in the Cape (South Africa)
  • 8 January: British armies reach Bloubergstrand and stop there
  • 18 January: British capture Bloubergstrand
  • 21 January: Cape Colony surrenders to the British and is annexed
  • 8 February: France commences the Invasion of Naples
  • 14 February: France reaches the city of Naples but Gaeta has not yet fallen
    26 February: France commences the siege of Gaeta
  • 6 March: France reaches Lagonegro and stops there
  • 9 March: France resumes the advance into Naples and capture Montecalabro
  • 12 April: Swedes evacuate Hanover
  • 28 May: French capture Mileto and then all of the remaining peninsular Naples
  • 25 June: British land in the town of Quilmes
  • 27 June: British capture Buenos Aires
  • 4 July: French armies get stopped at Maida
  • 5 July: By this date Britain has captured most of the Argentinian side of La Plata
  • 12 July: Confederation of the Rhine proclaimed, HRE remains in effect. Use this https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Rheinbund_1806%2C_political_map.png
  • 18 July: Gaeta surrenders to the French
  • 4 August; Spanish landing happens east of Buenos Aires inside British territory in La Plata
  • 6 August: The Holy Roman Empire is dismantled, leaving only the C.R.
  • 10 August: Buenos Aires recaptured
  • 14 August: British troops evacuate the Rio de la Plata
  • 8 October: France commences the Invasion of Saxony around Saalburg
  • 9 October: Prussia declares war to France forming the Fourth Coalition. Battle of Schleiz
  • 10 October: France captures Saalfeld
  • 14 October: France ocuppies Jena
  • 15 October: Sweden ocuppies Lauenburg and Lübeck
  • 26 October: France recaptures Lauenburg
  • 6 November: France captures Lübeck and ends the Swedish rule over Germany except for Pomerania
  • 11 December: Saxony joins the Confederation of the Rhine
  • 30 January: France lays siege to Stralsund
  • 3 February: Britain captures Montevideo
  • 15 April: Sweden leaves the war with France
  • 27 May: Etruria becomes a French puppet
  • 1 June: Spanish Tuscany is maden a French puppet
  • 1 July: British landing in Buenos Aires
  • 6 July: Slight British advance in Buenos Aires. Sweden declares war to France
  • 9 July: Treaty of Tilsit signed between France and Prussia
  • 15 July: Russia abandons the war with France and allign with them (green)
  • 6 August: Capture of Copenhagen
  • 12 August: British forces evacuate Buenos Aires and Montevideo, abandoning La Plata. Denmark decalres war to Britain and sides with France
  • 16 August: Denmark declares war to Britain without allying to France
  • 24 August: Stralsund surrenders to the French
  • 7 September: France seizes Rügen
  • 18 October: French troops enter Spain
  • 27 October 1807: Treaty of Fontainebleau signed between Spain and France, stating that French troops will enter Spain in order to begin a combined Franco-Spanish invasion of Portugal, but the French troops had already entered by this date
  • 31 October: Franco-Danish alliance 
  • 15 November: Westphalia joins the Confederation of the Rhine
  • 19 November 1807: French troops reach the Portuguese border and cross the border along the Tagus river. Advance along the river continues until the 23 of November
  • 23 November 1807: French forces capture Abrantes and stops in the city
  • 30 November 1807: France captures Lisbon. Portugal surrenders but it remains unocuppied
  • 2 December 1807: Spanish forces invade Portugal from central Extremadura
  • 3 December 1807: Spaniards capture the fortress of Elvas
  • 10 December: France annexes Etruria
  • 12 December 1807: Spaniards invade Northern Portugal from their bases in Vigo and besiege Valença
  • 13 December 1807: Spaniards capture Oporto
  • 14 December 1807: Portuguese territories North of the Douro are captured (except for Valença)
  • 15 December 1807: Valença surrenders to Spain
  • 28 December 1807: By this date all of Portugal is ocuppied and divided

  • 2 February: French armies ocuppy Rome from a landing in the port of Ostia
  • 18 February: Mecklenburg-Sterlitz joins the Conf. of the Rhine
  • 21 February: Russia declares war to Sweden and begins an invasion of Finland
  • 2 March: Russians capture Helsinki
  • 11 March: Russians seize Tampere
  • 14 March: Sweden declares war to Denmark
  • 17 March: Papal Umbria is ceded to the kingdom of Italy
  • 21 March: Russia seizes the Hanko Peninsula
  • 22 March: Russia seizes Turku
  • 13 April: Sweden invades Asnes
  • 14 April: Sweden begins an invasion towards Akershus
  • 16 April: Russian armies seize Pyhäjoki
  • 18 April: Sweden recaptures Oulu
  • 19 April: Swedish armies are defeated at Akershus
  • 20 April: Swedish armies siege a place in Ostfold
  • 23 April: Swedish armies are expelled from Ostfold except for one town and seize Strömstad
  • 25 April: Swedish armies in Asnes are expelled from Norway
  • 27 April: Danish armies evacuate Strömstad. Swedes recapture Siikajoli
  • 2 May: Sweden recaptures Pulkkila
  • 2 May 1808: Civilian uprising against the French units stationed in Madrid after they kidnapped the prince from the Royal Palace of Madrid. Considered the beginning of the Peninsular War even if bellic actions were taken before this date. A document signed in Móstoles oficially results in the declaration of war between France and Spain.
  • 7 May: Swedes surrender in Ostfold's town
  • 9 May 1808: Abdications of Bayonne take place, with both Spanish monarchs (Ferdinand VII and Charles III) resignating to the throne in favour to Joseph Bonaparte, the brother of Napoleon.
  • 18 May: Sweden seizes Kongsvinger but abandon it in next frame
  • 22 May: France annexes the remaining Papal States
  • 12 June: Swedish landing at Turku
  • 19 June: Swedish landing in Kaarina
  • 22 June: Swedish landings in Finland are expelled
  • 24 June: Swedes recapture Nykarleby
  • 26 June: Russia recaptures Vaasa and surrounding areas
  • 14 July: Russian invasion of Northern Finland falls back to Lapua
  • 10 August: Sweden recaptures Kauhajoki
  • 13 August: Denmark begins an invasion of central Sweden
  • 15 August: Danish capture of Järpen
  • 17 August: Danish offensive in Sweden is evacuated. Sweden recaptures Alavus
  • 21 August: Russia recaptures Kartsula
  • 2 September: Russia recaptures Ruona
  • 14 September: Russia recaptures Oravis
  • 29 September: A truce is signed in the Finnish war, but it's only temporal since the war reactivates on the 19 October
  • 14 October: Bavaria annexes Ansbach
  • 14 October: Oldenburg joins the Conf. of the Rhine
  • 19 October: Finnish war reignites
  • 7 November: Spanish forces land in El Seibo and surround Santo Domingo. During the following weeks they advance across the Dominican Republic, seizing the island by the 29th
  • 17 November: Swedes retreat from Finland, leaving the zone under Russian ocuppation until 1809
  • 29 November: Modern Dominican Republic is totally conquered by Spain except for Santo Domingo
  • 15 December: Invasion of French Guyanna commences

  • 6 January: Portuguese forces seize the town of Cayenne
  • 14 January: French Guyana surrenders to the Portuguese
  • 30 January: British armies land in Sainte-Luce and Le Robert, the advance continues across Martinique until 10 February
  • 10 February: The last remaining French force in Martinique (Fort-de-France) is besieged
  • 24 February: Fort-de-France surrenders
  • 10 April: Fifth coalition formed
  • 16 April: Britain captures Lefkada
  • 11 July: Spain reconquers Santo Domingo from the French and annexes the colony
  • 17 September: Russia formally annexes Finland
  • 1 October: Britain seizes Cephalonia 
  • 16 November: Cythria conquered by Britain
  • 10 December: Dano-Swedish war ends in status-quo antebellum
  • 28 January: British forces land in Trois-Riviéres (Guadeloupe)
  • 3 February: British advance west of their landing point in Guadeloupe
  • 6 February: Guadeloupe surrenders to the British
  • 19 May: Frankfurt annexes Fulda
  • 25 May: Argentine rebels seize La Plata from Spanish rule
  • 7 July: British forces commence the invasion of Réunion
  • 9 July: France annexes the Netherlands. Réunion is captured by the British
  • 29 November: British armies land in Baie-du-Tombeau
  • 3 December: French Mauritius surrenders
  • 12 December: Valais is annexed by France
  • 13 December: Lower Saxony is annexed by France

  • 30 June: British forces land in Indramayu and take control of the city
  • 4 August: British forces land east of Batavia
  • 8 August: Britain captures the city of Batavia and the surroundings
  • 22 August: British armies advance south from Batavia and lay siege to a fortress
  • 25 August: The fortress surrenders to the British
  • 29 August: British forces capture Bogor
  • 31 August: British forces land at Sumenep and advance across that small island
  • 7 August: The island of Sumenep falls to the British
  • 4 September: British forces seize the port of Cirebon
  • 16 September: British forces seize Salatiga
  • 18 September: Dutch Java surrenders
  •  11 December 1813: Treaty of Valençay signed. Official peace treaty between King Ferdinand VII of Spain and Napoleon. The treaty was rejected by the court of Madrid and the war continued

  • 30 May: Treaty of Paris, French and European borders are set

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Crown of Aragon

  • 724: The County of Sobrarbre is founded in the center of the green in the map (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kingdom_of_Aragon-1037.svg), with this shield https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Escut_del_Sobrarbe.svg/40px-Escut_del_Sobrarbe.svg.png and ruled by Garcí Ximenez
  • 758: Garcí Íñigez begins to rule in Sobrarbre
  • 802: Fortú Garcés begins to rule in Sobrarbre
  • 802: Aureolus of Aragon begins to reign as the Franks stablish a vassal on the other side of the Pyrenees. The shield is https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Blas%C3%B3n_de_Chaca.svg/40px-Blas%C3%B3n_de_Chaca.svg.png The protectorate is called "County of Aragon", with it's capital in Jaca, being it the one in the top left of the green ones. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kingdom_of_Aragon-1037.svg
  • 809: Aznar Galíndez I begins to rule in Aragon
  • 815: Sancho Garcés begins to rule in Sobrarbre
  • 820: García I Galíndez begins to rule in Aragon
  • 832: Íñigo Arista heredates the count of Sobrarbre and is annexed into Navarre
  • 833: Galindo Garcés begins to rule in Aragon
  • 844: Galindo I Aznárez of Urgel and Cerdanya begins to rule in Aragon
  • 867: Aznar Galíndez begins to rule in Aragon, which separates from Urgel and Cerdanya
  • 872: The County of Ribagorza is founded with Raymond I on the throne, and the capital in Benabarre (Shield: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benabarre). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kingdom_of_Aragon-1037.svg
  • 872: The county of Pallars is founded, ruled by the same king as the County of Ribagorza, being them in a Personal Union
  • 893: Galindo II Aznárez begins to rule in Aragon
  • 920: Pallars and Ribagorza break up. Ribagorza is ruled by Bernardo I and Pallars by Isarn I
  • 922: Andregoto begins to rule in Aragon
  • 943: Sancho Garcés II begins to rule in Aragon
  • 955: Raymond II of Ribagorza begins to rule
  • 970: Unifredo begins to rule in Ribagorza
  • 970: Sancho Garcés incorporates Aragon into Navarre
  • 979: Arnaldo begins to rule in Ribaborza
  • 990: Isarno begins to rule in Ribagorza
  • 1003: Toda begins to rule in Ribagorza
  • 1010: William begins to rule in Ribagorza
  • 1017: William of Ribagorza dies, the county is given to Navarre
  • 1035: Sobrarbre, Ribagorza separate from the Kingdom of Navarre and merge into a sole kingdom under Gonzalo I. Aragón also secedes, but under a separate rule of Ramiro I
  • 1045: Sobrarbre and Ribagorza unite with the County of Aragon forming the Kingdom of Aragon, Ramiro I rules over all those lands
  • 1063: Sancho Ramírez begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1069: The County of Barcelona inherits the County of Carcassonne
  • 1076: Aragon inherits Navarre
  • 1112: Barcelona obtains the County of Nîmes and the County of Millau
  • 1162: Crown of Aragon formed with the merge of the Kingdom of Aragon and the Catalan Counties under the realm of Alfonso II, but they do not own the Aran Valley. Flag of the Crown and the County of Barcelona: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/53/Si%C3%B1al_d%27Arag%C3%B3n.svg/125px-Si%C3%B1al_d%27Arag%C3%B3n.svg.png . Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Expansi%C3%B3n_peninsular_de_la_Corona_de_Arag%C3%B3n.png . Flag of the Kingdom of Aragon: http://i.imgur.com/u4PRNRV.png
  • 1166: Aragon obtains Gévaudan
  • 1169: (Map) Conquest of the towns of Valderrobles and Cantavieja
  • 1170: (Map) Conquest of the town of Cella
  • 1171: (Map) Conquest of the towns of Teruel and Mora de Ríos
  • 1172: Aragon seizes some territory on the other side of the Coastal Ebre
  • 1175: Annexation of the Aran Valley by Barcelona
  • 1179: Aragon obtains Ménebres
  • 1180: (Map) Conquest of the towns of Aliaga and Olocau del Rey
  • 1181: (Map) Conquest of the town of Mosguerela
  • 1196: Peter II begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1204: Aragon obtains the city of Montpellier and the city of Rubielos (Map)
  • 1210: (Map) Ademus is temporary conquered by the Kingdom of Aragon
  • 1213: James I begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1216: (Map) Ademus lost
  • 1229: Aragon (Concretely Barcelona) seizes the island of Mallorca. (Map) El Toro is conquered by Aragon
  • 1231: Kingdom of Majorca proclaimed, with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Bandera_del_Reino_de_Mallorca.svg/220px-Bandera_del_Reino_de_Mallorca.svg.png
  • 1231: Menorca becomes an Aragonese vassal
  • 1233: (Map) A big part of Castellon is ocuppied by Barcelona
  • 1235: The Kingdom of Majorca annexes the island of Ibiza
  • 1236: (Map) The town of Alpuente is ocuppied by Aragon
  • 1238: The cities of Sagunt and Valencia is conquered by Barcelona. The Kingdom of Barcelona is proclaimed with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Flag_of_the_Land_of_Valencia_%28swallowtailed%29.svg/125px-Flag_of_the_Land_of_Valencia_%28swallowtailed%29.svg.png
  • 1240: (Map) The towns of Calp and Villena are conquered by Valencia
  • 1242: (Map) The town of Alzira is conquered by Valencia
  • 1244: (Map) The towns of Denia, Sueca, Ontinyent and Gandia are conquered by Valencia. The town of Villena is lost
  • 1245: (Map) The town of Benidorm is conquered by Valencia
  • 1256: (Map) The town of Alcoi is conquered by Valencia
  • 1258: Treaty of Corbeil with France, Aragon renounces to all places in France except for The Rousillon and Millau
  • 1271: Millau lost to France. Menorca is incorporated in the Kingdom of Majorca
  • 1276: Peter III begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1282: The island of Sicily is conquered, being it part as the "Kingdom of Sicily", with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0a/Bandiera_del_Regno_di_Sicilia_4.svg/125px-Bandiera_del_Regno_di_Sicilia_4.svg.png
  • 1284: French troops ocuppy land up to Girona
  • 1285: Alfonso III begins to rule in Aragon. Albarracín is incorporated into the Kingdom of Aragon. Fremch troops withadraw from Aragonese soil
  • 1289: (Map) Conquest of Elche by Valencia
  • 1291: James II begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1296: (Map) Conquest of Alicante, Cartagena, Murcia, Orihuela, Crevillent and Torrevieja by Valencia
  • 1297: The Pope gives the islands of Corsica and Sardinia to Aragon, but they are not controlled, thus, being claims
  • 1298: (Map) Conquest of the town of Alhama de Murcia
  • 1300: (Map) Conquest of the town of Lorca
  • 1305: (Map) Conquest of the town of Elda by Valencia. The frontier is reduced to the modern Valencia-Murcia border, leaving all territories in modern Murcia
  • 1311: The Duchy of Athens is conquered by Aragon, with this shield https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Duchy_of_Athens_%28de_la_Roche_family%29.svg/85px-Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Duchy_of_Athens_%28de_la_Roche_family%29.svg.png
  • 1319: The Duchy of Neopatria is conquered by Aragon, with this shield https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8c/Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Duchy_of_Neopatria.svg/85px-Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Duchy_of_Neopatria.svg.png
  • 1323: (GeaCron) Aragon conquers the Pisan parts of the island of Sardinia
  • 1327: Alfonso IV begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1336: Peter IV begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1347: Claims over Corsica are abandoned, but Genoan Sardinia (GeaCron) is conquered
  • 1381: The Duchy of Athens is incorporated in the Kingdom of Sicily
  • 1387: John I begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1388: The territory of Athens is lost
  • 1390: The Duchy of Neopatras is abandoned
  • 1396: Martin I begins to rule in Aragon. Andorra is annexed into Barcelona
  • 1397: Andorra is left over
  • 1412: Ferdinand I begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1416: Alfonso V begins to rule in Aragon
  • 1420: The whole island of Sardinia is incorporated into the crown as a kingdom, the "Kingdom of Sardinia", with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fd/Flag_of_the_Italian_region_Sardinia.svg/100px-Flag_of_the_Italian_region_Sardinia.svg.png
  • 1442: Aragon conquers the Kingdom of Naples and incorporates it as a kingdom, the "Kingdom of Naples", with this flag https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/Bandera_de_N%C3%A1poles_-_Trast%C3%A1mara.svg/120px-Bandera_de_N%C3%A1poles_-_Trast%C3%A1mara.svg.png
  • 1458: John II begins to rule in Aragon. Navarre and Aragon enter in a Personal Union
  • 1462: France conquers the Rousillon from Barcelona
  • 1479: Ferdinand II begins to rule in Aragon, entering a personal union with Castile, but breaking the one with Navarre
  • 1493: Rousillon regained and annexed into Barcelona
  • 1495: Naples breaks away from the Crown of Aragon
  • 1504: The Kingdom of Naples is conquered back, restoring the kingdom (and the flag)
  • 1516: Charles I begins to rule in Aragon. From this point, the union between Castile and Aragon oficially becomes Spain. The Crown will be oficially abolished in 1714 with the Bourbon capture of Barcelona