First War
- 1 March: Massacre of Vassy.
- 2 April: Orléans joins the Protestant side.
- 4 April: Toulouse riots against the king and joins the Protestants.
- ~5 April: The towns of Angers, Blois and Tours join the Protestants.
- ~10 April: A protestant uprising takes place in Valence under François de Beaumont
- 12 April: Failed Huguenot rebellion at Sens.
- ~15 April: Protestants take Romans-sur-Isère
- 22 April: Vienne (Isère) falls to the protestants.
- 28 April: Grenoble falls to the protestants.
- 5 May: Lyon is taken by François de Beaumont
- 8 May: Spain sides with France
- 10 May: Rouen rises up against the King.
- 13 May: Toulouse riots against the king and joins the Protestants.
- 16 May: Toulouse joins back the Monarchy.
- 3 July: Feurs taken by François de Beaumont
- 14 July: François de Beaumont takes Montbrison
- ~25 July: Tours is recaptured by the catholics.
- 2 August: Palaece of the papes of Sorgues (in Sorgues, Vaucluse) is taken by the protestants.
- 28 September: The Catholics siege Rouen
- 7 October: Huguenots take Belvès
- 9 October: Battle of Vergt, Catholic victory
- 26 October: Rouen falls to the Catholics
- November: A deal is maden with the Huguenots in the Rhône valley. They agree to surrender.
- 19 December: Battle of Dreux, Catholic victory. Condé is captured.
- ~1 January: Siege of Orléans begins.
- 18 February: As the siege of Orléans was drawing to a close, Huguenots assassinate their leader, François de Guise.
- 19 March: Edict of Amboise, the war ends in a peace traty.
- 29 September 1833: F7 dies. Carlist rebels rise up in Torralba del Río (Navarra)
- 6 October 1833: Charles V is crowned as king at Tricio (La Rioja)
- 3 November 1833: Battle of Vargas (Cantabria), Liberal victory
- 14 November 1833: Carlists take Estella (Navarra)
- 7 December 1833: Carlists in Álava and Vizcaya name Tomás de Zumalacárregui as the leader of their troops.
- 17 March 1834: Carlists take Barrundia (Euskadi)
- 19 August 1834: Carlists take Peña de San Fausto
- 21 October 1834: Carlists take Cenicero (Logroño)
- 26 October 1834: Liberals launch an offensive that reaches Alegría de Álava
- 27 October 1834: Carlists win a battle near Alegría de Álava
- 28 October 1834: Carlists win a battle 15 Km east of Vitoria
- 12 December 1834: Liberals win a victory in Mendaza (Navarra)
- 13 December 1834: Carlists fall back to Campezo
- 15 December 1834: Carlists reach the Ega river at a single point in Arquijas.
- 8 March 1835: Carlists take Larraga
- 12 March 1835: Carlists take Maeztu, Alsasua, Elizondo, Santesteban and Urdax after the Action of Larreimar.
- 17 March 1835: Carlists advance but do not take Pamplona, Bilbao, San Sebstián and Vitoria
- 12 April 1835: Carlists push the liberals on ther side of the Ebro and Arga rivers
- 22 April 1835: A Liberal raid is defeated at Améscoa Baja
- 2 June 1835: Part of Bilbao (Puerto de Descarga) is taken by the Carlists.
- 10 June 1835: Bilbao is laid siege by the Carlists
- 24 June 1835: General Zumalacárregui dies at Cegama, Guipúzcua
- 1 July 1835: Liberals relieve the siege of Bilbao
- 23 October 1836: Bilbao is laid siege
- 28 October 1836: The siege of Bilbao is broken.
- 14 November 1836: Bilbao is laid siege again.
- 27 November 1836: Liberal general Espartero is defeated at the Nervión River.
- 30 November 1836: Espartero crosses the Nervión at it's mouth (Portugalete).
- 1 December 1836: The Battle of Luchana commences with both sides fighting all across the Nervión from Portugalete to Bilbao.
- 25 December 1836: The siege of Bilbao is finally lifted.
- 16 March 1837: Battle of Oriamendi, near Hernani. Decisive Carlist Victory.
- 15 May 1837: Carlist expedition begins from Estella towards Echauri
- 17 May 1837: Carlists take Echauri
- 18 May 1837: Carlists take Monreal
- 23 May 1837: Carlists take Marracos (Aragon)
- 24 May 1837: Carlists take Huesca
- 25 May 1837: Liberals retake Huesca
- 27 May 1837: Carlists take Huesca again and march towards Catalonia
- 28 May 1837: Barbastro taken by the Carlists
- 2 June 1837: Liberals suffer a defeat at the battle of Barbastro
- 3 June 1837: Carlists take Estada and stop there
- 5 June 1837: Carlists resume their advance
- 8 June 1837: Carlists enter Avellanes Santa Liña
- 12 June 1837: Battle of Guisona, liberal victory.
- 19 June 1837: Carlists take Suria (Barcelona)
- 20 June 1837: Carlists take Sampedor
- 24 June 1837: Carlists march towards Vallbona de las Monjas
- 27 June 1837: Carlists reach Ginestar
- 29 June 1837: Carlists cross the Ebro at Cherta. Battle between the Carlists of Cabrera and the Liberals.
- 3 July 1837: Carlists resume their march towards Valencia
- 7 July 1837: Carlists siege Castellón
- 9 July 1837: Siege of Castellón abandoned by the Carlists who march towards Valencia
- 12 July 1837: Carlists take Burjassot.
- 13 July 1837: Carlists abandon the idea of taking Valencia and turn towards Chiva.
- 15 July 1837: Battle of Chiva, Carlist defeat who advance back to the Maestrazgo.
- 24 July 1837: Carlists take Miranda del Ebro and advance towards Segovia
- 3 August 1837: Carlists take Segovia
- 11 August 1837: Carlists take Torrelodones.
- 23 August 1837: Liberals take Herrera (Maestrazgo)
- 25 August 1837: Liberals are crushed at Herrera and the city is retaken.
- Day 1: The Race invades the Earth commencing by the Aleutian Islands. American troops are overwhelmed in every battle, but they take low casualties due to the low American presence in the area.
- Day 2: Russian Aleutian Islands are taken over. The Race reaches mainland Alaska through the Aleutians. American airforces in Alaska are mobilised.
- Day 3: The Race lands in Kamchatka. An invasion happens across the Alaskan innerlands. The Americans prepare defenses in Anchorage.
- Day 4: Both Russian and American armed forces are smashed in every battle as the Race captures Petropavlovsk.
- Day 5: The Race captures the whole of Kamchatka and Kodiak island. A massive advance pushes the Race to the Canadian border.
- Day 6: Troops try fighting the Race machines at hand, but suffer devastating losses, Anchorage is lost. Only the Alaskan peninsula and panhandle remain. Yukon is taken. The North Kuril islands are taken.
- Day 7: Experts state that they are "Berserk Ships", a kind of starship which's target is, once landed in a planet, multiply it's number using the planet's resources. The advance is smooth in Northern Canada and Russian Far East.
- Day 8: The Midway Islands are also invaded, the Race is proven capable of crossing big chunks of Ocean. Wrangel Island is also taken as so are the Kuril Islands.
- Day 9: Russia and America agree to use their armies in their own land instead of helping any other country. Canadian Northern Archipelago is taken, including Nunavut. Magadan and Hokkaido are taken.
- Day 10: Last American troops in the South Alaskan islands are crushed. The Race commences the invasion of Greenland. Landings happen in Southern Sakhalin, but not in Honshu as for now. The Race makes astonishing gains in Siberia.
- Day 11: Vancouver is taken. Hawaii is taken. Yakutsk falls aswell.
- Day 12: The United States are invaded from British Columbia. Quebec is invaded from the Northwest. Greenland is taken. The Race reaches the northernmost points of the Amur river. The Race lands in Honshu. The advance in Siberia and the Arctic results in the Taymyr Peninsula under occupation.
- Day 13: Massive invasion of the US through the Canadian border in Minnesota, Washington and Idaho. The Race reaches the Saint Lawrence river and it's bay. The Race invades Manchuria (China) and Northern Sakhalin.
- Day 14: The last Canadian troops in the west and center are destroyed. Québec city falls. Anticosti and Newfoundland are invaded. Jan Mayen is taken. The Race reaches Lake Baikal and Mongolia from Manchuria.
- Day 15: Seattle, Ottawa and Montreal are taken. The Race invades Iceland and the Marshall Islands.
- Day 16: The Race crosses between Lake Huron and Michigan, commencing a new front in the invasion of America. The US is also invaded through New England. The Race reaches the Urals in the Arctic. The Battle of Tokyo commences.
- Day 17: The US drops an EMP (Electro-Megnetic Pulse) which slows down the invasion in Eastern America. Russians lacked defenses in Europe and the Race invades massively through Nenetsia.
- Day 18: Toronto falls. Beijing is surrounded. The Kazakh border is reached. Tokyo falls.
- Day 19: Fall of Beijing. Massive invasion through the US West Coast, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Iceland collapses.
- Day 20: Franz Josef Land taken over, menace of a massive invasion of Europe from the North is growing. The battle of Salt Lake City begins. Fall of Arkhangelsk. The last Russian Far-Eastern troops get smashed near the Ussuri river. China centers it's efforts in the most populated areas, leaving most of Gansu and East Turkestan exposed to a rapid invasion. Pyongyang falls, Kim-Jong Un was assassinated when an explosion blew up the building were he took refugee, throwing him off the window. The DMZ is passed without problems.
- Day 21: California is invaded from the East and the North. The battles of New York and Boston begin. Seoul is stormed as the South Korean government relied way too heavily in the DMZ.
- Day 22: Svalbard and Faeroe Islands taken. Salt Lake City taken. The Race reaches Finland from Karelia. Tibet is invaded.
- Day 23: The Race makes astonishing gains in Southern California and Arizona. Fall of Boston. The Race forms a massive pocket around Barnaul.
- Day 24: The Battle of San Francisco begins. Los Ángeles, despite it's huge size, is destroyed to the ground with a massive ray. A group of soldiers film how the Statue of Liberty is destroyed by the Race and slowly turned into a series of new war machines. Shetland islands are taken. The Race centers most of their efforts in Pakistan and Burma as India mounted huge defenses in the Himalayas.
- Day 25: Polynesia is secured. The Race reaches Mexico. The Battle of New York ends.
- Given the fact that Hispanic America did not declare independence and remained under the Spanish Crown...
- 1833: With Ferdinand VII dead, there is a problem with the succession of the monarchy, as there is a conflict between his three-year old daughter, Isabella and his brother, Charles. Charles defended a more conservative view of the state, under absolute, catholic monarchy. Probably the conflict would also extend to America, with Mexico (mostly conservative) being the second front of a war against Charles, probably ending up with Charles trying to exile to Mexico. The war would be shorter than in OTL because of American reinforcements for the Liberal Side.
- No Mexico means that US colonists are not allowed into Texas or California, thus, them are being forcibly sent to Oregon instead. The massive american numbers would probably spark a conflict and possible war between the US and the UK between 1840 to 1860 aproximately.
- The conquest of Patagonia happens much sooner than in Our Time Line.
- Brazil remains an independent nation, as it separated from Portugal under monarchical conflict.
- The problem with Spain's industry would be maintained at least until 1840's. Spain proper lacked coal, so it had to be extracted from the Americas, and that would imply having a really numerous and powerful navy. After Spain manages a real trade of goods and a well-designed infrastructure (probably by 1880's), their economy would grow exponentially, potentially becoming a second or third world power by 1914.
- Pressure from several sectors in America would result in slavery being abolished by 1870's at the most. This would cause rage among land owners and a series of revolts would shock America.
- Conflicts would probably arise with the US due to border tensions in California, and the American desire of having bigger Pacific Coast and control over Cuban Sugar. The US would probably have technological advantage, but eventually Spain would crush the United States, possibly taking not many lands in order for Spain to still be considered an "honourable power". The US would be left in a huge internal crisis afterwards.