Friday, 22 December 2017

French Wars of Religion

First War


  • 1 March: Massacre of Vassy.
  • 2 April: Orléans joins the Protestant side.
  • 4 April: Toulouse riots against the king and joins the Protestants.
  • ~5 April: The towns of Angers, Blois and Tours join the Protestants.
  • ~10 April: A protestant uprising takes place in Valence under François de Beaumont 
  • 12 April: Failed Huguenot rebellion at Sens.
  • ~15 April: Protestants take Romans-sur-Isère
  • 22 April: Vienne (Isère) falls to the protestants.
  • 28 April: Grenoble falls to the protestants.
  • 5 May: Lyon is taken by François de Beaumont
  • 8 May: Spain sides with France 
  • 10 May: Rouen rises up against the King.
  • 13 May: Toulouse riots against the king and joins the Protestants. 
  • 16 May: Toulouse joins back the Monarchy.
  • 3 July: Feurs taken by François de Beaumont
  • 14 July: François de Beaumont takes Montbrison
  • ~25 July: Tours is recaptured by the catholics.
  • 2 August: Palaece of the papes of Sorgues (in Sorgues, Vaucluse) is taken by the protestants.
  • 28 September: The Catholics siege Rouen
  • 7 October: Huguenots take Belvès 
  • 9 October: Battle of Vergt, Catholic victory
  • 26 October: Rouen falls to the Catholics 
  • November: A deal is maden with the Huguenots in the Rhône valley. They agree to surrender.
  • 19 December: Battle of Dreux, Catholic victory. Condé is captured.


  • ~1 January: Siege of Orléans begins.
  • 18 February: As the siege of Orléans was drawing to a close, Huguenots assassinate their leader, François de Guise.
  • 19 March: Edict of Amboise, the war ends in a peace traty.