- April: French invasion of Minorca
- 18 May: Britain declares war to France
- 20 May: Naval battle of Minorca
- 28 June: France captures all of Minorca
- 29 June: The last british forces in Minorca surrenders to the French
- 10 August: France attacks Fort Oswego
- 14 August; Fort Oswego falls
- 29 August: Prussia invades Saxony in 3 columns
- 11 September: Prussia sieges Pirna
- 1 October: Battle of Lobositz between Prussia and Austria
- 14 October: Prussia captures Pirna
- 15 July: Battle of Villinghausen, Prussia, Britain and Hanover win the next day
- Unknow: Britain captures Dominica in the Caribbean
- 1469: The Union of the Catholic Monarchs, Isabella I of Castille and Ferdinand II of Aragon, Spain is founded by the union of the Crown of Aragon and the Crown of Castille (Display only Castile, Aragon shall not be included until 1479). Flag: (http://www.tzorafolk.com/genealogy/history/arms/catholic-kings-(1492-1506).png)
- 1475: Spanish flag is now this one (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pend%C3%B3n_her%C3%A1ldico_de_los_Reyes_Catolicos_de_1475-1492.svg)
- 1476: Temporal occuppation of Cape Verde and occuppation of Santa Cruz de la Mar Pequeña
- 1478: Battle of Guinea between Castille and Portugal
- 1479: Ferdinand II is now in the throne of Aragon, thus officially beginning the personal union between Castile and Aragon
- 1480: Ottomans ocuppy Otranto
- 1481: Otranto liberated by Spanish troops
- 1482: Conquest of Gran Canaria and beginning of the Grenada War
- 1485: Castilian troops ocuppy Ronda and Marbella from Grenada
- 1487: Castilian troops ocuppy Malaga
- 1488: Castilian troops ocuppy Vera
- 1489: Castilian troops ocuppy Baza and Almería
- 1490: The city of Granada is surrounded
- 1492: Granada is conquered
- 1492: Conquest of La Palma
- 1492: 12 October: Columbus discovers the New World, the Bahamas are conqured
- 1492: The colony of La Navidad founded in the north of Haiti
- March 1494: The colony of La Isabela founded in the north of Dominican Republic
- 1495: Conquest of Tenerife
- 1495: Naples falls to French ocuppation
- 1496: The colony of Santo Domingo founded
- 1496: France loses Naples
- 1496: Conquest of the Hispaniola
- 1497: Conquest of Melilla
- 1501: Parts of Naples ocuppied, from Salerno to Apulia
- 1503: Spain ocuppies the city of Naples
- 1504: Naples is totally conquered and annexed to the crown
- 1504: Isabel of Castile dies, leaving the throne to Ferdinand of Aragon
- 1505: Annexion of Bermuda. Conquest of Mazalquivir
- 1508: Conquest of Puerto Rico and Oran
- 1509: Conquest of Jamaica
- 1510: Spain conquers Algiers and Bujia
- 1510: Conquest of a part of Panama
- 1511: Conquest of Cuba, the Cayman Islands and Tripoli (modern capital of Libya)
- 1511: Part of Puerto Rico rebels
- 1512: Cispyrenaical Navarre is annexes into Castile
- 1513: The colony of Castilla de Oro is founded in Panama
- 1513: Puerto Rico surrenders
- 1516: Ferdinand II dies. Charles I is in the throne of Spain. Spain is de facto a country. Flag: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Cross_of_Burgundy.svg)
- 1516: Conquest of Algiers
- 1517: Conquest of Tlemcen
- 1519: Spain begins it's campaign against the Aztec empire
- 1520: Conquest of Tlaxcala
- 1520: Castilla de Oro colony expands
- 13 August 1521: The Aztec Empire is totally conquered and annexed
- 1521: Marianas islands and Guam discovered
- 1521: Spain ocuppies Milan
- 1522: Spain ocuppies Genoa
- 1522: Annexion of most of Central America and conquest of Michoacan
- 1522: Spain abandons Tripoli
- 1523: Spain conquers Chiapas
- 1524: Spain ocuppies part of Provence, Nize and Touloun
- 1524: Spain conquers Guatemala
- 1525: Spain leaves European conquests but Naples
- 1525: Spain gives Santa Cruz de la Mar Pequeña to Morocco
- 1526: Spain occuppies Milan
- 1527: Annexion of a part of Yucatan
- 1527: France lands around Naples and lays siege to the city
- 1528: Spain annexes Chiapas
- 1529: Spain leaves Milan
- 1529: France leaves Naples. Spain besieges Florence
- 1529: Annexion of the Marshall Islands
- 1530: Annexion of more of Yucatan
- 1530: Spain abandons Italy but Naples and Milan
- 1530: Spain releases Malta
- 1531: Begining of the conquest of the Inca Empire with a landing in Ecuador
- 1533: The Inca Empire is conquered, the colony of New Castille founded. Cañari is also conquered. Keep advancing down into Chile until 1537
- 1535: Spain annexes Milan
- 1535: Spain conquers the city of Tunis
- 1535: Conquest of a part of Mexican Pacific coast and part of Colombian Atlantic coast. Viceroyalty of New Spain formed
- 1536: Conquest of Rio de la Plata and ocuppation of parts of Provence
- 1537: Conquest of Chile
- 1537: Spain abandons Provence
- 1537: First Jesuite mission to Paraguay
- 1538: Conquest of a part of Bolivia
- 1539: Expansion in New Grenada
- 1540: Expansion in Chile
- 1540: Spain conquers part of Central Mexico
- 1541: Rio de la Plata lost
- 1541: Spain claims the Mississipi river and all of their afluents. Another expedition reaches Lindsborg, Kansas, losing it next year. Captaincy General of Chile founded
- 1542: Viceroyalty of Peru founded
- 1542: More of Central Mexico is conquered
- 1543: Spain ocuppies part of Provence and Savoy
- 1544: Slow retrocession in France
- 1546: Spain leaves Savoy
- 1550: Spain conquers Mahdia, Tunisia
- 1553: Spain leaves Mahdia
- 1553: Conquest of a part of the Chaco plains
- 1555: Spain annexes Ebla and Piombino
- 1556: Spain inherits the French Comte and the Low Countries after Charles I abdicated. Spain is now ruled by Philip II.
- 1557: Spain inherits some areas in Tuscany
- 1560: Connexion between the Jesuite Mission and Peru Viceroyalty
- 1560: Conquest of more of the Chaco
- 1564: Annexion of Guam
- 1565: Annexion of the Marianas islands and discovery of the Philippines
- 1565: Colony of Florida founded
- 1565: Discovery of the Californian channel islands
- 1566: Exapnsion of Florida
- 1570: Expansion in Mexico
- 1571: Expansion in the Philippines
- 1572: The Dutch rebel against Spain
- 1573: Expansion in Argentina
- 1573: Expansion in the Philippines
- 1574: Discovery of Palau
- 1574: Spain leaves Tunis
- 1579: The Dutch advance more
- 1579: Expansion in the Philippines
- 1580: Rio de la Plata is recaptured
- 1580: Spain inherits Portugal except for the Azores
- 1580: The Dutch rebels have control of much of the Low Countries
- 1583: Spain conquers the Azores
- 1584: Spain recaputres some land from the Netherlands
- 1585: Expansion in the Philippines
- 1586: Colony of Angola founded
- 1589: Spain conquers Tondo
- 1591: The Netherlands captures some more land
- 1598: Philip II dies, Philip III begins to rule
- 1598: Spain conquers the southern shore of the Rio Grande
- 1602: Bahrain is abandoned
- 1605: El Paso founded
- 1609: Britain captures Bermuda
- 1609: Expansion in the Philippines
- 1610: Spain expands up the Rio Grande into New Mexico
- 1613: Expansion of Florida
- 1615: Expansion of Brazil
- 1615: Bandar Abbas ceded to Persia
- 1617: Another expansion of Brazil
- 1621: Philip III dies leaving the throne to Philip IV
- 1624: Expansion in Ceylan
- 1626: Spain captures a small part of the Netherlands
- 1626: Annexion of northern Taiwan
- 1629: Netherlands capture a small part of the Spanish Flandes. Spain conquers Saint Kitts and Nevis
- 1630: The Netherlands take Recife. Spain abandons Saint Kitts and Nevis
- 1630: Expansion in Colombia
- 1633: Expansion in Mexico
- 1636: Expansion in the Philippines
- 1637: Another small dutch capture of land in Spanish Flandes
- 1638: Conquest of a part of the Amazonas
- 1640: Portugal secedes
- 1640: Catalan revolt begins
- 1642: Taiwan is abandoned
- 1645: The Netherlands make a small advance in the other side of the Rhine
- 1645: Expansion of the Philippines
- 1648: The Netherlands and France get a part of the Spanish Flandes
- 1655: Britain captures Jamaica
- 1659: Catalan Revolt ends: Peace of the Pyrenees
- 1665: Philip IV dies leaving the throne to Charles II
- 1668: France gets a small part of the Spanish Flandes
- 1670: Cayman Islands and Jamaica lost
- 1673: Spain leaves it's claims over the Mississipi
- 1679: France annexes the Spanish French Compte
- 1684: Expansion in Bolivia
- 1691: Expansion in Paraguay
- 1697: France takes Haiti
- 1697: Conquest of a part of Baja California
- 1700: Expansion of Florida. Charles II dies leaving the throne to Philip V, but this causes a succession crisis that will turn into a civil war.
- 1701: Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bandera_de_Espa%C3%B1a_1701-1760.svg)
- 1705: Last expansion in the Philippines
- 1706: Milan falls to Austria
- 1712: Spain conquers Chiloé islands
- 1714: The Spanish Flandes is given to Austria
- 1714: Decrees of Nueva Planta: Aragon is destroyed
- 1715: Conquest of the rest of Florida
- 1717: Viceroyalty New Granada proclaimed
- 1718: Expansion in Mexico
- 1718: Britain captures the Bahamas
- 1724: Conquest of Sacramento from Portugal
- 1726: Expansion of Sacramento
- 1736: Expansion in Argentina and Uruguay
- 1746: Ferdinand VI begins to rule
- 1750: Border set with Portugal in America
- 1750: Conquest of the South American cone
- 1759: Charles III begins to rule
- 1760: Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bandera_de_Espa%C3%B1a_1760-1785.svg)
- 1762: Britain ocuppies West Cuba and the city of Manila. Lousiana given from France
- 1763: Sacramento given to Portugal
- 1763: Florida given to Britain
- 1764: Britain abandons Manila
- 1766: Annexion of the Falklands
- 1769: Annexion of the Easter Island
- 1774: Spain colonisies some parts of Polynesia under the name of "Isla de Amat"
- 1776: Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata
- 1777: Sacramento and parts of Brazil obtained from Portugal
- 1780: Spain occuppies St.Louis on the Mississipi
- 1781: Spain occuppies Florida and West Florida
- 1783: Florida, Minorca and West Florida obtained from Britain
- 1785: Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Spain_(1785-1873_and_1875-1931).svg)
- 1788: Charles IV begins to rule
- 1789: Discover of Vancouver Island and reclamation of the Nootka Territory
- 1795: Nootka Territory unclaimed
- 1795: La Hispaniola given to France
- 1797: Spain loses Polynesia
- 1798: Belize given to Britain
- 1800: Louisiana given to France
- 1808: Spain recaptures most of la Hispaniola
- 1808: Ferdinand VII begins to rule
- 1811: United Provinces of New Granada declares independence
- 1813: Paraguay declares independence
- 1816: Argentina declares independence
- 1816: Spain reconquers Colombia
- 1818: Chile declares independence
- 1819: Colombia declares independence
- 1819: Flordia is given to USA, border adjustement in Mexico
- 1821: Peru declares independence
- 1821: Mexico declares independence
- 1822: Dominican Republic declares independence
- 1822: Ecuador declares independence
- 1823: French Intervention in Spain
- 1825: Bolivia declares independence
- 1833: Isabel II begins to rule, but the Carlist War begins
- 1839: First Carlist War ends
- 1846: Second Carlist War begins
- 1849: Second Carlist War ends
- 1851: Spain makes Sulu a vassal state
- 1858: Spain begins a campaign in Cochinchina
- 1859: Ocuppation of Northern Morocco
- 1860: Acquisition of Sidi Ifni. Northern Morocco abandoned
- 1862: Spain leaves Cochinchina
- 1863: Spain reconquers the Dominican Republic
- 1865: Spain leaves the Dominican Republic
- 1868: Isabel II abdicates and Francisco Serrano is named as regent
- 1871: Amadeo I begins to rule
- 1873: Amadeo I abdicates and Spain turns into a republic. Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_First_Spanish_Republic.svg)
- 1874: The republic collapses into a kingdom ruled by Alfonso XII. Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Spain_(1785-1873_and_1875-1931).svg)
- 1885: Marshall islands given to Germany
- 1886: Alfonso XIII begins to rule
- 1898: American conquest of Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba and the Philippines. Sulu is abandoned
- 1899: Cession to Germany of Palau, the Carolines and the Marianas islands
- 1912: Morocco is divided between Spain and France.
- 1920: An insurgency controls most of Spanish Rif, basically this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rep%C3%BAblica_del_Rif.svg
- 1923: Tangier becomes an international zone
- 1926: The Rif rebellion is supressed.
- 1931: Alfonso XII abdicates and Spain becomes a republic led by Niceto Alcalá-Zamora. Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Spain_(1931_-_1939).svg)
- 1936: The civil war begins. Manuel Azaña is president of the republic, and the fascists are led by Francisco Franco. Fascist Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Spain_(Civil)_alternate_colours.svg)
- 1938: Fascist Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Spain_(1938_-_1945).svg)
- 1939: End of the civil war
- 1940: Spain annexes the international zone of Tangier
- 1945: Spain restores the sovereignity of Tangier. Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Spain_(1945_-_1977).svg)
- 1958: Spain cedes Cape Juby to Morocco, and some of Sidi Ifni
- 1975: Juan Carlos I begins to rule in Spain
- 1977: Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Spain_(1977_-_1981).svg)
- 1981: Flag becomes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Spain.svg)
- 2014: Philip VI begins to rule
- 962: HRE founded by Otto I
- 967: Otto II is in the throne
- 976: Duchy of Carinthia founded
- 976: Margraviate of Austria founded
- 980: Prince-Bishopric of Liège founded
- 981: County of Namur founded
- 982: County of Burdgundy founded
- 996: Otto III is in the throne
- 999: Prince-Bishopric of Passau founded
- 1003: Duchy of Jülich founded
- 1003: County of Savoy founded
- 1003: Republic of Pisa founded
- 1005: Republic of Genoa founded
- 1014: Henry II is in the throne
- 1020: HRE gains land around Berlin
- 1022: HRE conquers Benevento
- 1024: Bishopric of Utrecht founded
- 1026: HRE leaves Benevento
- 1027: Conrad II is in the throne
- 1027: Bishopric of Brixen founded
- 1027: Bishopric of Trent founded
- 1032: County of Burgundy disappears, and is annexed to the HRE
- 1032: Duchy of Burgundy disappears
- 1040: County of Loon founded
- 1046: Henry III is in the throne
- 1054: Minor gains in the north
- 1058: Duchy of Schleswig founded
- 1065: Duchy of Limburg founded
- 1074: The last gains are lost
- 1075: Pisa acquires Corsica
- 1077: Patria del Friuli founded
- 1083: County of Würtemberg founded
- 1084: Henry IV is in the throne
- 1085: Electoral Palatinate founded
- 1085: County of Brabrant founded
- 1087: Minor gains in the north
- 1091: County of Holland founded
- 1091: Minor gains in the north (near Denmark)
- 1092: Duchy of Cleves founded
- 1093: County of Wied founded
- 1096: Duchy of Guelders founded
- 1100: Republic of Siena founded
- 1100: Moravia founded
- 1101: County of Berg founded
- 1105: HRE loses some land to Sicily
- 1111: Henry V is in the throne
- 1112: Margraviate of Baden founded
- 1115: Republic of Florence founded
- 1120: Imperial County of Ortenburg-Neuortenburg founded
- 1121: Duchy of Pomerania founded
- 1125: County of Nassau founded
- 1127: County of Gorizia founded
- 1133: Lothair II is in the throne
- 1147: County of Oettingen founded
- 1155: Frederick I is in the throne
- 1156: Margraviate of Austria disappears
- 1156: Duchy of Austria founded
- 1157: Margraviate of Brandenburg founded
- 1160: Republic of Lucca founded
- 1160: The HRE reaches the Oder river
- 1168: Bishopric of Würzburg founded
- 1168: Principality of Rügen founded
- 1183: County of Brabrant disappears (elevated to Duchy)
- 1183: Duchy of Brabrant founded
- 1190: Duchy of Lower Lorraine disappears
- 1190: Genoa gains some of HRE's land
- 1190: Teutonic Knights founded
- 1191: Henry VI is in the throne
- 1192: Lordship of Königsegg founded
- 1194: Provostry of Berchtesgaden founded
- 1196: HRE conquest of Sicily
- 1197: March of Tuscany disappears
- 1198: Duchy of Bohemia disappears
- 1198: Kingdom of Bohemia founded
- 1198: The HRE gives land to the Papal States
- 1200: Bishopric of Regensburg founded
- 1209: Otto IV is in the throne
- 1220: Frederick II is in the throne
- 1224: The Teutonic Orders receives land in Poland
- 1227: The HRE acquires part of Pomerania
- 1234: The Teutonic Knights reach the sea over the Vistula river
- 1235: Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneberg founded
- 1236: The Teutonic Knights conquer the Knights of the Sword
- 1237: The HRE gains land from the Papal States
- 1237: The Teutonic Knights conquer Courland
- 1239: The Teutonic Knights expand in Polish tribal area
- 1243: County of Wied disappears
- 1249: HRE becomes federated
- 1252: Anhalt-Bernburg founded
- 1252: Anhalt-Zerbst founded
- 1255: The Teutonic Knights conquer Prussia
- 1264: Landgraviate of Hesse founded
- 1266: The HRE loses control of Sicily and Naples, but still owns some land out of the Federation
- 1269: Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel founded
- 1269: Principality of Lüneberg founded
- 1276: Free Imperial City of Augsburg founded
- 1277: The HRE changes a bit it's frontier in Italy, and cedes all land south of the Po to the Papal States
- 1278: Archbishopric of Salzburg founded
- 1296: Duchy of Saxony disappears
- 1296: Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg founded
- 1296: Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg founded
- 1300: Swiss Confederation founded
- 1305: Border adjustement with Poland and France, small gains in tribal Pomerania
- 1309: The Teutonic Knights conquer the rest of Pomerania
- 1309: Avignon ceded to the Papal States
- 1312: Henry VII is in the throne
- 1313: Duchy of Swabia disappears
- 1314: Louis IV is in the throne
- 1315: Imperial Abbey of Obermünster founded
- 1325: Principality of Rügen disappears (annexed by Pomerania)
- 1328: Both parts of the Teutonic Knights connect
- 1335: Duchy of Carinthia founded
- 1335: Venice gains some land from the HRE, the HRE takes all of Silesia from Poland
- 1344: County of Nassau-Weilburg founded
- 1346: The Teutonic Knights expel the Danes from Estonia
- 1347: Imperial Abbey of Buchau founded
- 1349: France gets land from the HRE
- 1355: Charles IV is in the throne
- 1356: Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg disappears
- 1356: Duchy of Saxony founded
- 1366: County of Loon disappears
- 1372: Free City of Frankfurt founded
- 1377: The HRE gains land in Tuscany
- 1378: Kingdom of Arles disappears
- 1379: Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin founded
- 1395: Duchy of Milan founded
- 1396: Anhalt-Zerbst disappears
- 1396: Anhalt-Dessau founded
- 1396: Anhalt-Köthen founded
- 1396: Milan gets land from the HRE
- 1397: Milan gets more land from the HRE
- 1398: The Teutonic Knights conquer Gotland
- 1404: Venice expands southwards, leaving the HRE only in the Po river area
- 1405: County of Flanders disappears
- 1406: Republic of Pisa disappears
- 1409: The Kalmar union captures Gotland
- 1410: Poland-Lithuania defeats the Teutonic Knights
- 1416: County of Savoy disappears
- 1416: Duchy of Savoy founded
- 1419: Venice gains land from the HRE
- 1426: Milan gets land from the HRE
- 1430: Duchy of Brabrant disappears
- 1433: County of Hainaut disappears
- 1433: Sigismund is in the throne
- 1440: Duchy of Thuringia disappears
- 1445: Patria del Friuli disappears
- 1447: Duchy of Milan disappears
- 1447: Ambrosian Republic founded
- 1450: Ambrosian Republic disappears
- 1450: Duchy of Milan founded (again)
- 1452: Duchy of Modena founded
- 1452: Frederick III is in the throne
- 1453: Duchy of Austria disappears
- 1453: Archduchy of Austria founded
- 1458: Hesse-Marburg founded
- 1460: Denmark vassalizes Holstein
- 1462; County of Wied founded (again)
- 1466: Poland-Lithuania conquers the Pomeranian part of the Teutonic Knights
- 1468: Anhalt-Bernburg disappears
- 1473: Duchy of Massa founded
- 1474: Duchy of Holstein founded
- 1477: Duchy of Burgundy disappears
- 1477; Austria annexes Burgundy and the Low Countries
- 1479: Hungary inherits Moravia and Silesia
- 1482: France takes some of HRE's land
- 1485: Venice takes the Po area
- 1486: Maximilian I is in the throne
- 1495: County of Würtemberg disappears
- 1495: Duchy of Würtemberg founded
- 1499: France annexes most of Milan, the rest of the land goes to other states
- 1500: Hesse-Marburg disappears
- 1503: Duchy of Mantua founded
- 1505: Palatinate-Neuburg founded
- 1509: The HRE defeats Venice and annexes it's Italian lands to the HRE federation
- 1513: Milan gets independence from France
- 1515: The former treaty with Venice is anuled
- 1515: France annexes Milan back
- 1517: Border adjustement with France
- 1519: Charles V is in the throne
- 1521: Milan gets independence from France again
- 1525: Duchy of Prussia founded
- 1526: Austria annexes Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and parts of Hungary
- 1528: Bishopric of Utrecht disappears
- 1532: Republic of Florence disappears
- 1532: Duchy of Florence founded
- 1535: Duchy of Milan disappears
- 1535: Spain annexes Milan
- 1536: France annexes Savoy
- 1539: France loses control of Savoy, but Savoy loses some land to Switzerland
- 1544: Anhalt-Zerbst founded (again)
- 1544: Austria annexes the Netherlands
- 1545: Duchy of Parma founded
- 1555: Republic of Siena disappears
- 1556: Spain annexes the French Compte and the Low Countries
- 1558: Denmark gets all of Holstein
- 1558: Ferdinand I is in the throne
- 1560: Sweden, Denmark and Poland-Lithuania divide the Teutonic Orders
- 1561: Anhalt-Dessau disappears
- 1561: Anhalt-Köthen disappears
- 1564: Maximilian II is in the throne
- 1567: Landgraviate of Hesse disappears
- 1567: Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt founded
- 1567: Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel founded
- 1567: Hesse-Marburg founded (again)
- 1569: Duchy of Florence disappears
- 1569: Grand Duchy of Tuscany founded
- 1572: The Dutch rebel against Spain
- 1576: Rudolf II is in the throne
- 1579: The Dutch advance more
- 1580: The Dutch rebels have control of much of the Low Countries
- 1581: Dutch Republic founded
- 1584: Spain recaputres some land from the Netherlands
- 1591: The Netherlands captures some more land
- 1602: France gets some land from Savoy
- 1603: Anhalt-Bernburg founded (again)
- 1603: Anhalt-Dessau founded (again)
- 1603: Anhalt-Köthen founded (again)
- 1604: Hesse-Marburg disappears (again)
- 1612: Matthias is in the throne
- 1618: Duchy of Prussia disappears (union with Brandenburg)
- 1618: Brandenburg-Prussia founded
- 1618: The 30 Years war start
- 1619: Ferdinand II is in the throne
- 1623: Duchy of Bavaria disappears
- 1623: Electorate of Bavaria founded
- 1626: Spain captures a small part of the Netherlands
- 1629: Netherlands capture a small part of the Spanish Flandes
- 1633: France invades the HRE
- 1637: Duchy of Pomerania disappears
- 1637: Ferdinand III is in the throne
- 1637: Another small dutch capture of land in Spanish Flandes
- 1645: The Netherlands make a small advance in the other side of the Rhine
- 1648: End of the 30 years war
- 1648: The states of Switzerland, Tuscany, Genoa, Savoy, Mantua, Parma, Modena, Pisa and the Netherlands leave the HRE
- 1648: The Netherlands and France get a part of the Spanish Flandes
- 1648: Sweden gets Pomerania and some small parts of Northern Germany
- 1648: Austria cedes land to Saxony
- 1655: Sweden takes Prussia
- 1658: Leopold I is in the throne
- 1659: The HRE repels the French invasion
- 1660: Sweden leaves prussia
- 1668: France gets a small part of the Spanish Flandes
- 1670: The HRE border in Flandes is reduced
- 1670: France invades the HRE again
- 1679: France annexes the Spanish French Compte
- 1679: The HRE border retreats to Alsace-Lorraine (modern border)
- 1691: Austria invades the Ottomans
- 1692: Electorate of Hanover founded
- 1697: The HRE invades France
- 1698: County of Wied disappears (again)
- 1701: Brandenburg-Prussia disappears
- 1701: Kingdom of Prussia founded
- 1705: Principality of Lüneberg disappears (annexed to Hanover)
- 1705: Joseph I is in the throne
- 1707: Prussia obtains Neuchâtel (In Switzerland)
- 1711: Charles VI is in the throne
- 1714: Electorate of Hanover enters in personal union with Great Britain
- 1714: The Spanish Flandes is given to Austria
- 1714: Hanover gets a part of Swedish Germany
- 1718: Austria invades the ottomans
- 1720: Prussia gets a part of Swedish Pomerania
- 1737: France expels the HRE invasion
- 1739: The Ottomans repel the Austrian invasion
- 1742: Charles VII is in the throne
- 1745: Francis I is in the throne
- 1747: County of Gorizia disappears
- 1748: Prussia captures Silesia from Austria
- 1765: Joseph II is in the throne
- 1772: First Partition of Poland, Prussia gets all of Pomerania and Austria gets Galicia
- 1789: Prince-Bishopric of Liège disappears
- 1990: Leopold II is in the throne
- 1791: Prince-Bishopric of Liège founded (again)
- 1792: Duchy of Savoy disappears
- 1792: Prince-Bishopric of Liège disappears (again)
- 1792: Francis II is in the throne
- 1793: Prince-Bishopric of Liège founded (yet again)
- 1793: Second Partition of Poland, Prussia gets land
- 1794: Duchy of Jülich disappears
- 1795: Prince-Bishopric of Liège disappears (yet again)
- 1795: Duchy of Guelders disappears
- 1795: County of Holland disappears
- 1795: County of Namur disappears
- 1795: Duchy of Limburg disappears
- 1795: Duchy of Cleves disappears
- 1795: Dutch Republic disappears
- 1795: France annexes all land in the West Bank of the Rhine (including the Austrian Flandes), moving the HRE border to that line
- 1795: Third partition of Poland, Prussia and Austria get land
- 1796: Anhalt-Zerbst disappears (again)
- 1797: Republic of Genoa disappears
- 1798: Swiss Confederation disappears
- 1801: Grand Duchy of Tuscany disappears
- 1803: Imperial Abbey of Buchau disappears
- 1803: Electorate of Mainz disappears
- 1803: Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg disappears
- 1803: Electoral Palatinate disappears
- 1803: Provostry of Berchtesgaden disappears
- 1803: Prince-Bishopric of Augsburg founded
- 1803: Electorate of Cologne disappears
- 1803: Archbishopric of Salzburg disappears
- 1803: Bishopric of Regensburg disappears
- 1803: Bishopric of Brixen disappears
- 1803: Bishopric of Trent disappears
- 1803: Bishopric of Würzburg disappears
- 1803: Margraviate of Baden disappears
- 1803: Free Imperial City of Augsburg disappears
- 1803: Duchy of Würtemberg disappears
- 1803: Electorate of Würtemberg founded
- 1803: Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel disappears
- 1803: Electorate of Hesse founded
- 1803: Electorate of Baden founded
- 1803: Hanover expands
- 1804: Archduchy of Austria disappears
- 1804: Austrian Empire founded
- 1805: Prince-Bishopric of Passau disappears
- 1805: Imperical County of Ortenburg-Neuortenburg disappears
- 1805: Bavaria and Wurtemberg expand
- 1806: Lordship of Königsegg disappears
- 1806: County of Oettingen disappears
- 1806: Electorate of Saxony disappears
- 1806: Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneberg disappears
- 1806: Margraviate of Brandenburg disappears
- 1806: Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt disappears
- 1806: Electorate of Würtemberg disappears
- 1806: Electorate of Bavaria disappears
- 1806: Electorate of Baden disappears
- 1806: County of Nassau-Weilburg disappears
- 1806: Free City of Frankfurt disappears
- 1806: HRE disappears