Tuesday, 13 March 2018

FOE timeline

  • War of Novorossiya: Ukraine re-annexes it's lost territory
  • Due to Trump's pesidency, he US leaves NATO. NATO itself collapses and the EDA is formed by Spain, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Austria and the BeNeLux 
  • Syrian Civil War concludes with government victory. 
  • Catalan revolution: Catalonia rebels, but fails at achieving it's target.
  • Second Kosovo War: Serbia attacks Kosovo and Albania, winning the war
  • European joint mission into Libya, ending the turmoil there and stablishing a provisional government.
  • Third Balkan War: Albania and Bosnia vs Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Macedonia. Serb victory.
  • Caucasian war: Armenia defeats Azerbaijan, Turkey does not join despite of Russian menace
  • Austro-Italian War: Austria attacks the Tyrol, but ends up losing it's part to the Italians.
  • War of Bessarbia: Ukraine invades Moldova seeking to stablish an empire. Romania intervenes, gaining Bukhovina and Moldova gains Bessarabia.
  • Second Yugoslav Wars: Italy, Hungary and Austria vs Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. Italian victory
  • Carpathian war: Hungary invades Prykarpathia and Slovakia, succeeding
  • Bavarian revolution: Bavaria secedes from Germany and seeks Austro-Italian help. This leads to the Italo-German wars.
  • Italo-German war: Austria, Bavaria and Italy vs Germany and Czech Republic. Austria annexes Moravia, Bavaria annexes Baden-Württemberg and the Czech Republic turns into Bohemia, becoming an Italian ally.
  • Hispano-Moroccan war: Spanish victory, Spain annexes the Rif.
  • Pannonnian war: Italy, Austria, Bohemia and Bosnia vs Serbia, Croatia and Hungary. Croatia and Hungary are annexed by Austria. Austria gains north-west Vojvodina.
  • French Civil War: A confrontation begins between those who support the Front National and those who are against it. It results in a nationalist pyrrhic victory with Italian assistance, with Italy gaining Nice and Savoy.
  • War of the BeNeLux: The Netherlands and France divide Belgium and Luxembourg.
  • Italian Conquest of Tunis and Malta: No description needed.
  • Nationalist coup in Sweden and Turkey.
  • World War Three: Italy, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, Ireland, Austria, Bavaria, Bohemia, Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Israel, Iraq (Switches sides), Portugal, Turkmenistan, Morocco and Libya vs Everyone else. Latvia suffers a coup and switches sides, causing it's utter destruction and division. The "Rest of Europe" wins, however, Italy betrays his alliance and attacks them, joining the allies. UK gains Normandy, Antwerp, Ireland and a protectorate over Brittany and most of Morocco. Spain wins some extra Moroccan territory, Portugal and French Basque Country. Germany gains Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg, Eupen-Malmédy and Stettin. Poland gains Galicia and Silesia. Czechoslovakia, Croatia and Hungary are fully restored. Romania annexes Moldova and South Dobruja. Greece annexes Thrace, Cyprus and West Turkey but Constantinople. Macedonia gains Bulgarian Macedonia. Armenia gains Western Armenia. Azerbaijan is divided among Armenia, Russia and Iran, Kazakhstan split between Iran and Russia. Turkmenistan annexed by Russia. Egypt annexes Cyrenaica. Iran gains Basra. Iraq, Syria and Lebanon form Mashriq. Kurdistan is independent and annexes a part of Turkey. Norway gains Bohüslan. Finland gains part of Swedish Lapland. Denmark gains Scania. Algeria gains part of Morocco. Russia annexes Belarus, Ukraine, Constantinople, Scutari, Varna, Georgia and Memel. Lithuania and Estonia (both having half of Latvia each) are maden Russian puppets. Italy gains French territories to the Rhone, Albania including Chameria, Ionian Islands, Crete, The Balears and parts of Algeria. Italy puppetises Bavaria and Austria (United them as South German Confederation), Libya, Montenegro and Catalonia.
  • German Civil War: South German Confederation supported by Italy invades and annexes Germany. Lands East of the Elbe are annexed by Poland but Schlesswig-Holstein and Rügen who are ceded to Denmark.
  • Great Northern War: Denmark invades Norway, Norway counterattacks later to be pushed back. Britain intervenes and seizes the Northern Half of Norway. Denmark claims it and declares war to Britain. Britain wins and seizes two thirds of Norway (including it's posessions) and the Faeroe Islands.
  • Poland and Romania sign an alliance against Russia.
  • Russo-Armenian War: Russia conquers and annexes Armenia
  • Great Russian War: Poland and Romania invade Russia and it's puppets with limited success. Russia counteratacks and seizes Bialystok, Galicia, Bukhovina and Bessarabia. Britain and Turkey declare war to Russia. Russia loses more land progressively until they surrender after abandoning Kiev and Minsk and having Leningrad besieged by Polish-British corps. Poland annexes Prussia, Russian vassal of Lithuania and former Polish land pre-WW2. Romania annexes lands up to the Southern Bug and creates a vassal in Crimea. Turkey takes modern borders plus Adjara. Britain creates a vassal in Karelia. Former Finnish Karelia is awarded to Finland. Russian vassal of Estonia is set free as Livonia.
  • Crimean coup: Crimea is now independent from Romanian control
  • Spanish conquest of the Sahara: No description needed.
  • French coup: French government is overthrown by the communists
  • Anglo-Icelandic war: Iceland is annexed to the UK
  • Italo-Egyptian War: Italy annexes Libya, violating the treaty with the former allies. Egypt declares war to Italy. Italy gains Cyrenaica from Egypt.
  • Russian coup: Russian Empire with a new dynasty is restored. 
  • Macedonian war: Greece quickly invades and conquers Macedonia.
  • War of the Hungarian aggression: Hungary declares war to Czechoslovakia and Romania, gaining Slovakia, Banat and Transylvania.
  • Great war of the East: Poland declares war to Russia aiming to capture and annex Belarus. Poland captures Minsk but the Russians counter-attack in a pinzer movement, force Poles out of Russia and capture Vilnius and Lviv. Romania declares war to Russia. Anatolia declares war to Russia. Greece declares war to Romania, Poland and Anatolia. Bulgaria is forced to declare war aswell and cede some provinces to Greece. Hungary declares war to Poland and Romania. An uprising happens in Ukraine. Romania forces the surrender of Bulgaria and then Greece after capturing Thessaloniki. The war on the Russian front slowly seems to be gained by the Poles. Hungary surrenders and cedes part of Translyvania to Romania. Lands in Anatolia are ceded by Greece to Anatolia. Bulgaria gains Thrace and declares war to Russia. Crimea declares war to Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Anatolia. Bohemia declares war to Poland. The Ukrainian uprising is cancelled. Russia recovers terrain and commences an invasion of it's enemies. Vilnius, Brest, Lviv, Bessarabia and half of Anatolia are taken while Bohemia seizes Silesia. Britain and it's vassals declare war to Russia. Denmark declares war to Poland and Britain. Karelia takes Arkhangelsk. Crimea surrenders to Britain, becoming a vassal. Russia conquers and annexes Crimea. Denmark surrenders, Rügen to Poland and Bergen to Britian. Britain and Russia sign white peace. Anatolia gives up after the Russians lay siege to Ankara (Greater Armenia and Pontus to Russia). Bulgaria is couped and exits the war annexing the port town of Varna. Romania and Poland surrender. Russia gains Bessarabia, Ukraine but Galicia and modern Belarus. Bohemia gains Silesia. After the war, Russia turns into a superpower.
  • Britain cedes Antwerp to the Netherlands in exchange for an alliance.
  • Italo-Swiss war war: Italy invades Ticino and claims the whole of Switzerland. Italy blitzes southern Switzerland but a guerrilla warfare begins in the Alps. The north remains unocuppied. France declares war to Italy and it's vassals (Germany and Catalonia) beginning the Franco-Italian war.
  • Franco-Italian war: Italy conquers Switzerland and French attacks are repulsed back to their country. Catalan and Italian armies link up in Narbonne. An uprising happens in Northern Germany against Italian rule. Catalans are crushed in the battle of Toulouse, but Italy takes Lyon and Dijon. Iberia declares war to Catalonia and Italy. Catalonia invades Castellon while Italy lands in Denia. Iberia takes Barcelona and Catalonia surrenders. The rest of the territory is occupied by Italy. An peace treaty is achieved after Italians are pushed out of France by a combined Franco-Iberian front. French Basque Country, Aran and Rousillon to France, the rest to Iberia. France annexes Greater Luxembourg, Alsace-Lorraine, Baden, Hohenzollern, Saarland and a part of Württemberg. North Germany is independent.
  • Iberia and France sign an alliance. Iberia claims Gibraltar to Britain and France the same with Normandy. War begins between France, Britain and satellites and Iberia. The Netherlands is forced into the war by Britain. France occupies southern Normandy and lands in Casablanca but Britain responds by taking Calais, Boulougne and connecting with Norman forces. French retake Boulougne and Calais, aswell as Northern Morocco. Britain occupies Madeira and the Canary Islands, Ceuta and recovers Normandy, followed by Boulougne, Calais and the Spanish Atlantic Moroccan coast. Britain takes Nantes and Melilla. The Netherlands invades Luxembourg. Iberia finally takes Gibraltar but loses most of Morocco. Britain is kicked from Boulougne, Nantes and most of Morocco. Iberia invades Northern Morocco but fails and are kicked together with the French. The Dutch advance along the border and the British seize Brest while Iberia falls back in Morocco and loses Tangier and then Ceuta. Britain kicked out of Brittany. The dutch take Boulougne. Spain loses Melilla but holds Ceuta and Tetouan. France kicks the British from Normandy and then Calais. France takes Melilla and links with the Iberians. The Dutch get pushed back. France signs peace with the Dutch, they cede Luxembourg. Britain denounces this and threatens the Dutch with an intervention. Britain declares war. Britain loses Madeira and the Canary Islands but retakes them and lands in Calais and Amsertdam, advancing innerlands (France) and on the coast (Dutch), then takes Lisbon, Boulougne and Antwerp, then Le Havre and Amsertdam. Rotterdam is retaken followed by Lisbon, Boulougne and the invasion forces from puppetised Morocco. Britain loses Macaronesia and Iberian forces take Casablanca and Agadir while Brits are trapped at Amsterdam. Morocco collapses and is occupied by Iberia. Huge battles commence in the Pas-de Calais area and it's nearbies. British in Amsterdam surrender. British are trapped at Lille and destroyed. Britain surrenders and cedes: Normandy and the Channel Islands to France. Gibraltar to Iberia. Morocco is independent but cedes Casablanca to France and Sidi Ifni and Cape Juby to Spain.
  • Mashriq invades Jordan and takes Amman, Northern Palestine and Tel Aviv surrounding northern Israel, then falling back to the border but they force the capture of most of the Jordan desert. Jordan invades Southern Lebanon and then Mashriq launches a huge invsion of Jordan that takes Tel Aviv and Aqaba, then turning north taking Eliat and Gaza. Gaza and Amman are retaken but Jordan is pushed out of Mashriq. A massive Syrian invasion forces the collapse of Jordan and it is annexed by Mashriq.
  • Kuwait peacefully joins Saudi Arabia 
  • Britain releases Norway as a puppet
  • Toulouse Convention: The Franco-Spanish alliance now includes North Germany. The alliance renames to Toulouse Pact.
  • North Germany invades Poland without warning, triggering the Polish-German War.
  • Polish-German War: Germany takes Berlin. Poland pushes the Germans out after fierce battles. France and Spain begin sending supplies to Germany. The Second Battle of Berlin begins, German victory and they take all lands to the Oder but Rügen Island. Germans cross the Oder at Stettin after an initial Polish attack. Poles land in Pommerania and take Berlin and then beat the Germans in Stettin, connecting their forces. Poles then reach the Elbe and destroy the Southern German Army. The front then reaches a stand-still 100 km east of the Elbe. After a series of battles, the Germans are expelled from Poland. A peace treaty is signed. Germany has to pay reparations.
  • Russia, in an aim to recover "historical Russian territories" declares war to the British Empire and it's puppet states in Northern Europe. Russian invasion of Karelia repelled. Britain takes the Russian Arctic Islands and lands close to Naryan-Mar. A second Russian invasion of Karelia fails. Britain take Arkhangelsk. Russian fleet in the Black Sea is scattered by the British naval squadron of Constantinople. Britain loses Arkhangelsk but takes Sevastopol and Kerch. British expelled from Nenetsia. Russians keep launching wave after wave of men to Kerch, retaking it and losing it several times until the Brits are expelled from Crimea. Situation in Britain is going badly and the government asks for a white peace which is rejected. Russia is soundly defeated at Murmasnk and Britain retakes Arkhangelsk. Russia losses it's access to the White and Barents seas. Russia keeps insisting in fighting, but Karelia and Britain have reached the Ladoga lake, but a Russian counter-offensive pushes them to the Onega, leaving a British army trapped at Novgorod. Russia invades Karelia but meets no success against Britain. Russia takes Murmansk and Karelia collapses. Russia invades British Norway and retakes Arkhangelsk but loses it after a rapid counter-offensive which cuts Russians in Karelia from the rest. Britain fails to invade Crimea and Russians advance to near Arkhangelsk and Trondheim. Arkhangelsk is taken and Britain is kicked out of Russia. Peace is yet again rejected. Britain liberates Norway and takes Murmansk, but are kicked back to Norway. Finally, Russia agrees to peace. Karelia is annexed by Russia.
  • Unrest in Britain is higher than ever, and a military coup in London fails. British Constantinople secedes into the Free State of Constaninople, which tides between Pro-Greek and Pro-Italian influence.

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